Modifying the reclaim grace period

Modify the reclaim grace period for a consumer.

About this task

You can configure a different reclaim grace period behavior for each consumer.
Important: The borrowing consumer determines the reclaim grace period. When you configure borrowing and lending, ensure that the lending consumer can wait for the maximum reclaim grace period that is configured for all of its borrowing consumers.


  1. From the cluster management console, click Consumer > Consumers & Plans > consumer_name > Consumer Properties > Reclaim behavior.
  2. Specify the wait time before the system interrupts workload that is running on a borrowed or shared host to reclaim the resource. For Reclaim grace period, specify an integer value with Seconds | Minutes | Hours.

    To reclaim resources almost immediately, specify 0 seconds.

    If you leave the reclaim grace period blank or specify 0, the system uses a default grace period of 0 seconds.

    As a best practice, specify a realistic value that allows tasks from all of your applications enough execution time and time to clean up to avoid unnecessary interruption.

    Consider both the typical length of a workload unit that is run by a borrowing consumer and the urgency of workload demand from the lending consumer.