Changing the record expiry time per table

To reduce or increase the number of records stored in the database for a particular table, change the duration of time that a record is stored in the database for this table before it is purged. The duration only applies to this particular table.


  1. Edit the purger configuration files for your data loaders.
    • For EGO data loaders, edit EGO_CONFDIR/../../perf/conf/purger/purger_ego.xml.
    • For IBM® Spectrum Symphony data loaders, edit EGO_CONFDIR/../../perf/conf/purger/purger_soam.xml.

  2. Navigate to the specific <Table> tag with the TableName attribute matching the table that you want to change.
    For example:
    <Table TableName="RESOURCE_METRICS" TimestampColumn="TIME_STAMP" ... />
  3. Add or edit the Duration attribute with your desired time in days, up to a maximum of 365 days.
    For example, to have the records in this table purged after 10 days:
    <Table TableName="RESOURCE_METRICS" TimestampColumn="TIME_STAMP" Duration="10" ... />
  4. Restart the purger service.