Scenario 2: IBM Spectrum Symphony, IBM Spectrum Conductor, and IBM Spectrum LSF

Follow these steps when you install and add multiple products to your cluster in the following order: 1) IBM® Spectrum Symphony, 2) IBM Spectrum Conductor, and 3) IBM Spectrum LSF® Standard Edition for Symphony. Adding IBM Spectrum Conductor is only applicable to Linux® and Linux on POWER® clusters.


  1. Install or upgrade, entitle, and configure IBM Spectrum Symphony. For details on installing IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2, see Installing IBM Spectrum Symphony for an IBM Spectrum Symphony-IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with a Linux primary host or Installing IBM Spectrum Symphony for an IBM Spectrum Symphony-IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with a Windows primary host.
    Note: If you are performing a rolling upgrade to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2 with the installation setting DISABLESSL=Y defined, your upgrade log may show errors that server_rest.xml.nonssl doesn't exist. There is no functional impact and you can safely ignore this error.
  2. Install or upgrade, entitle, and configure IBM Spectrum Conductor. (Note that this step is only applicable to Linux and Linux on POWER clusters, as IBM Spectrum Conductor is available only on Linux and Linux on POWER). For details on installing IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.5.1, see the IBM Spectrum Conductor documentation.
    1. Before installing IBM Spectrum Conductor, stop the existing cluster:
    2. Log on to your primary host and copy the IBM Spectrum Conductor entitlement file to a location that is accessible from the primary host.
    3. Install IBM Spectrum Conductor on the primary host to the same location as your other products.

      For example, if you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony to the default location (/opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing), then install IBM Spectrum Conductor to the same default location. Likewise, if you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony to a custom location (for example, if you installed using the --prefix option), then install IBM Spectrum Conductor to the same custom location.

    4. Source the environment:
      • (csh) source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform
      • (bash) . $EGO_TOP/profile.platform
    5. Entitle IBM Spectrum Conductor. For example:
      egoconfig setentitlement /opt/temp/cws_entitlement.dat
    6. (For fresh installations of IBM Spectrum Conductor only; do not complete this step if you have upgraded your cluster to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2 in step 1, as you have already run the egoconfig mghost command for your cluster during that product upgrade) If you configured your cluster to use a shared directory for primary host failover, complete the following steps, first on the primary host and then on all management hosts:
      1. Specify the same shared directory for IBM Spectrum Conductor:
        egoconfig mghost shared_directory
      2. Source the environment again. For example:
        source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform
    7. Start the cluster:
    8. Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator. If prompted, follow the post-installation wizard to complete the installation.
  3. Install and entitle IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony on the primary host in your existing cluster. For details, see Installing IBM Spectrum LSF for an IBM Spectrum Symphony-IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with a Linux primary host or Installing IBM Spectrum LSF for an IBM Spectrum Symphony-IBM Spectrum LSF cluster with a Windows primary host.
    Tip: If you have an existing version of IBM Spectrum LSF, and are reinstalling a new IBM Spectrum LSF package, ensure that you first stop all LSF daemons, uninstall the old version, then reinstall the new version. This ensures that LSF ports are not occupied and you can install the new version of IBM Spectrum LSF without port warnings.
    1. Before installing IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony, stop the existing cluster:
    2. Log on to your primary host and copy the IBM Spectrum LSF entitlement file to a location that is accessible from the primary host.
    3. Install IBM Spectrum LSF on the primary host to the same location as IBM Spectrum Symphony.

      For example, if you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony to the default location (/opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing), then install IBM Spectrum LSF to the same default location. Likewise, if you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony to a custom location (for example, if you installed using the --prefix option), then install IBM Spectrum LSF to the same custom location.

    4. Source the environment:
      • (csh) source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform
      • (bash) . $EGO_TOP/profile.platform
    5. Entitle IBM Spectrum LSF in the cluster:
      egoconfig setentitlement entitlement_file_path
    6. If you configured your IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster to use a shared directory for primary host failover, complete the following steps, first on the primary host, then on all management hosts:
      1. Specify the same shared directory for IBM Spectrum LSF:
        egoconfig mghost lsf
      2. Source the environment again. For example:
        source $EGO_TOP/cshrc.platform
    7. Start the cluster:
    8. Log in to the cluster management console as the cluster administrator. If prompted, follow the post-installation wizard to complete the installation.