Verifying the application data integrity and privacy configuration
Confirm that security is enabled:
On the client side, open the
api.client_host_name.log API log file under the current
working directory from which you are running the client.
Look for a success entry similar to this:
2013-10-24 17:14:57.349 GMT INFO [5344:139975043811104] platcomm.Router
- Successfully started TCPIPv4SSL communication driver, initialized
arguments and uses zero options.
Confirm that authentication is enabled:
On the client side, ensure that the API log level is
set to DEBUG.
Open the api.client_host_name.log API log file.
Look for success entries similar to these:
2013-10-24 17:14:57.352 GMT DEBUG [5344:139975043811104]
api.base.DataManager - DataManager::initClientSide(): Authentication is
enabled between Client and SI.
2013-10-24 17:14:57.603 GMT DEBUG [5344:139974902150912]
api.base.DDTClientSideHandler - DDTClientSideHandler::Authenticate -
Authentication successful.
What to do next
After exporting the two environment variables, and verifying
your configuration, run your IBM® Spectrum Symphony client, with the direct data transformer enabled, to use
this feature.