View configured properties at the application and job levels and monitor the M:R ratio for an application from the cluster management console.
- View properties for the scheduling policy at the application
From the cluster management console Dashboard, select .
A list of application displays.
- Select an application.
In the application's Summary tab, click
Configuration and view MapReduce Resource Allocation
- View properties for the scheduling policy at the job level.
From the Dashboard's Common Tasks menu, select MapReduce
The console opens in a new window.
Select .
- Select a job.
In the job's Summary tab, click Job Properties to
view the Map Resource Group Filter, Reduce Resource Group
Filter, and the Reduce Service to Slot Ratio for the job.
Monitor the M:R ratio for the application from the application's Summary
tab. Click Runtime Information to view Allocation per host based
on Target Ratio. You can also view the total number of map slots and reduce slots, and
the total number of map slots running reduce tasks and reduce slots running map tasks.