Understanding the default plan

About the default resource distribution plan

The IBM® Spectrum Symphony installation comes with a default resource distribution plan. Consider the default resource distribution plan to decide whether you need to make any changes.
Note: If you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition, this topic does not apply.

To allocate the resources you want when you want them, work with your resource distribution plan to distribute the resources for each consumer and each resource group.

Simple by default

A simple 24-hour default resource distribution plan is available to adapt for your own purposes. However, because the default resource distribution plan uses only one time interval (0:00 to 24:00), all current allocations persist until you modify the plan.

Ownership, lending, and borrowing for default consumers

For SymTesting, SOASamples, and EclipseSamples consumers, ownership of compute host slots is not defined, but borrowing is enabled with no limit. This ensures that if compute host resources are available, any of these consumers can make use of them if it requires them.

The ManagementServices consumer does not use compute host slots.

Management host slots are distributed to each consumer through ownership to ensure that system services have enough resources to start.

Default consumers and sub-consumers

The following consumers and sub-consumers are installed by default:
  • ManagementServices
    • EGOManagementServices
    • SymphonyManagementServices
  • SymTesting
    • Symping732
  • SampleApplications
    • SOASamples
    • EclipseSamples
  • SymExec
    • SymExec732
  • ClusterServices
    • EGOClusterServices
    • SymphonyClusterServices

Symping732 gives you a pre-deployed symping application that lets you test your cluster.

SOASamples and EclipseSamples are blank consumers for your own use. For example, you can deploy the sample applications that come with IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.

Default resource groups

The default plan includes the following resource groups:
  • ComputeHosts: All the hosts in your cluster that are not management hosts or being used for internal processes. These are the hosts that should run work.
  • InternalResourceGroup: A resource group to run internal processes.
  • ManagementHosts: A resource group that only contains those hosts that have the management host package installed.

Why modify the resource plan?

The default resource plan is meant to be immediately useful during the initial stages of installing and testing your cluster.

When it is time to create your own consumers and put the application into production, you will probably modify the default resource plan to take full advantage of all the grid resources and sharing policies that are available.

Advanced features

The default resource distribution plan is meant to be as simple as possible so you can add complexity as you come to understand your grid needs.

The default configuration is intended to make it easy to run the test applications. We do not expect you to keep this configuration. When you create your own applications and define your own consumers, configuring the resource plan and tailoring it to your needs throughout the day can greatly affect your productivity and efficiency.


  • The cluster management console stores only your active resource distribution plan. Therefore, to make changes, you can either import a new resource plan or directly edit the resource plan from the cluster management console.
  • If you are going to change the default resource distribution plan, export that plan before you make changes so you can reset to your previous (if required) by importing it again.
  • When editing the resource distribution plan in the cluster management console, remember that any changes you make and apply to the active plan are implemented immediately. Do not click Apply to your resource plan changes if you do not wish the changes to take effect immediately. Export the plan instead.