Downloading entitled packages

IBM® Passport Advantage® provides access to all your entitled software. You can download products directly to your computer for installation, and download the Quick Start Guide for information on how to get started.

Before you begin

Downloading products from Passport Advantage requires an IBMid; if you do not have one, you must register with the site:
  1. From your web browser, navigate to Passport Advantage sign-in page.
  2. Complete the new customer registration form.
  3. Click Register.
Note: If you are the Primary Contact, you need the Temporary Passcode (found in your welcome letter) to access Passport Advantage. This passcode links your IBMid to your corporate Site Number. The Site Number defines a unique physical location within your company and can be found on the Proof of Entitlement that you received from IBM.

As the primary contact, you must complete initial login and add other site users (if required). Ensure that you make the Site Number available to all users who require access to Passport Advantage.

For assistance with Passport Advantage, contact eCustomer care contact information.

About this task

Follow these steps to download products as explained in the following procedure, which is also described in the technote How to download software from Passport Advantage Online website.


  1. From your web browser, navigate to the Passport Advantage sign-in page.
  2. Click Customer sign-in.
  3. Enter your IBMid and password, and click Sign in.
  4. Enter the Site Number and click Submit.
  5. On the Software and services online page, click Software download & media access.
  6. On the Find downloads & media page, click Download finder to view a list of entitled downloads (products that you have purchased).
  7. Click a product to select it, and then click Continue to search for its downloadable packages.

    Software products are posted assemblies containing different versions of the product for use with various operating systems and languages. Packaging varies depending on the size and complexity of each product.

  8. Under Select criteria, select a language and platform (operating system) for the product you want to download.
  9. To view and download optional products that are used with the primary product, under Download options, select Yes for the option If available, would you like to see associated products at no additional charge?.
  10. Click Continue to view the list of assemblies (packages) for the specified criteria.
  11. Select your download:
    • Select an assembly to download all of its included packages.
    • Click the + to expand the assembly so you can select individual packages.

    Always download a copy of the product Quick Start Guide because it provides an overview of the product installation as well as links to additional documentation.

  12. Select items to download and scroll to the end of the page.
  13. Review the license agreement, and click I agree.
  14. Click Download now and select a location on your computer to store the downloaded files.
  15. Verify the integrity and validate the authenticity of your downloaded installation package, by running the jarsigner utility against the downloaded .zip package. The utility is part of the Java JDK (it is not part of the JRE); ensure that you have the Java JDK installed before running jarsigner.
    To use jarsigner, run:
    #jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs -storetype PKCS12 $PATH_TO_PACKAGE_LOCATION/
    For example:
    #jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs -storetype PKCS12 ./
    To verify that your .zip installation package is secure, look for the following Signed by line:
    Signed by "CN=International Business Machines Corporation, OU=IBM CCSS, O=International Business Machines Corporation, L=Armonk, ST=New York, C=US"

    You can now decompress the file and use it for installation.