Specifying criteria for resource selection

When you put your application on the grid in IBM® Spectrum Symphony, you specify a resource requirement string in the application profile to set criteria for selecting a resource or restricting which resources are available to the application.

About this task

Note that if you set a resource requirement string, and no hosts match your criteria, no hosts will be available for your application.
Note: Not applicable to IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition; to determine the operating system type for the resource requirement string, use the egosh resource view command with the host name.


  1. For example, if you have heterogeneous machines and your service can only run on one type of machine, such as Windows or Linux®, set the resource requirement in the Consumer section
    For example:
    <Consumer applicationName="MyApplication" consumerId="/consumer" taskHighWaterMark="1.0" taskLowWaterMark="0.0" preStartApplication="false" numOfSlotsForPreloadedServices="1" resReq="select(NTX86)" resourceGroupName="ComputeHosts"/>
  2. Re-register the application with the soamreg command. (If you prefer, you can use the Platform Management Console to export and import the application profile.)