Deploy a cluster on OpenShift

The IBM® Spectrum Symphony OpenShift operator is provided as a proof of concept of deploying an IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2 Community Edition cluster on Red Hat®OpenShift 4.9. Use this operator for evaluation purposes only, and not for a production environment; it is intended to be an example and may not work on subsequent versions. See the readme file included with the operator for more details.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
    For more information, see the Red Hat documentation: Accessing the web console
  2. Expand Operators > OperatorHub.
  3. Find the IBM Spectrum Symphony operator:
  4. To create a SymphonyCluster object using the operator, click Create Instance.
  5. Before you create a IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster, you must disable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to ensure that auto-scaling using HPA does not interfere with manual or workload driven dynamic scaling trigger by host factory.
    • If you are using Form view, set Enables Horizontal Pot Autoscaler for compute hosts to FALSE.
    • If you are using YAML view, set userPodAutoscaler: false.
  6. The role specified in the YAML for serviceAccountName must specify additional permissions for scaling using host factory:
    1. Go to User Management > Roles.
    2. Find the role and update the YAML to include the following additional permissions:
      - verbs:
            - get
            - list
            - symphonyclusters
        - verbs:
            - get
            - list
            - create
            - patch
            - delete
            - deletecollection
            - ''
            - pods
  7. Create a SymphonyCluster object.