Service package management within IBM Spectrum Symphony multicluster

A multicluster administrator, or a user with the SMC_CLUSTER_CONTROL can use the multicluster management console to manage multicluster service packages. A service package contains a program and its dependencies to perform computations. A service package can contain more than one service program (for example, a package can have a Linux® and Windows versions of a service).

For a view into the service packages within the federation cluster repository, and to manage tasks related to these service packages (including synchronizing the service packages within the federation cluster repository and member cluster repository), use the Resources > Service Packages > Service Packages menu in the multicluster management console. Specifically, manage these multicluster service packages tasks:
  • View a list of service packages from the federation cluster repository, and view information about each service package, including the service package name, last upload date and time, size, owner, and full consumer name of the application for the service package.
  • Filter this list of service packages by name, size, or consumer path.
  • Add service packages to the federation cluster repository.
  • Replace an existing service package in the federation cluster repository with an updated service package.
  • View a summary of, and deployment information for, each service package.
  • Remove a service package from the federation cluster repository, which automatically removes it from the member cluster repository.
  • Synchronize changes (additions, updates, or removals) for a service package from the federation cluster repository to the member cluster repository.