Enabling MATLAB tasks scheduled by IBM Spectrum Symphony support

Configuring your system to enable MATLAB tasks involves configuring your IBM® Spectrum Symphony cluster, adding the integration scripts to your MATLAB search path, and copying the workerDecodeFcn.m script to your MATLAB worker path (if you are using MATLAB R2008b on Windows).


  1. Configure your IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster. Complete the following steps on your IBM Spectrum Symphony host:
    1. If Simplified Workload Execution mode is used, ensure the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster administrator is the same as the MATLAB installation user.

      If Advanced Workload Execution mode is used, ensure the application service instances are started by MATLAB installation users; that is, configure the same execution user in the consumer properties of the application in the ConsumerTrees.xml file.

    2. Set a tag for each MATLAB worker host using the following command:
      egoconfig addresourceattr "[resource tag_name]"
      For example, if the tag name is matlabworker, run:
      egoconfig addresourceattr "[resource matlabworker]"
    3. Add the content into ego.shared.

      For example, run:

      matlabworker Boolean () () (MatlabWorker)
    4. Create a resource group whose resource requirement is select(tag_name); such as, select(matlabworker).

      For example, if the resource group name is MATLABWorkerHosts, create the resource group as follows:

      <ResourceGroup ResourceGroupName="MATLABWorkerHosts" availableSlots="(ncores*1)">
    5. Configure the consumer of the MATLAB application to use the created resource group.
    6. Enable the application symexec7.3.2.
  2. On the IBM Spectrum Symphony client (MATLAB client) host, add the directory of the integration scripts into the MATLAB search path.

    For more information about the MATLAB search path, see the MATLAB official document at the following URL: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_env/what-is-the-matlab-search-path.html.

    On Windows, MATLAB R2012b and later versions use the scripts in the following path: %SOAM_HOME%\integration\Matlab\R2012b\.

  3. This step is only applicable if you use MATLAB R2008b on Windows.

    On all MATLAB worker hosts, copy workerDecodeFcn.m into the MATLAB worker path (for example, to %matlabroot%\toolbox\distcomp.