Starting, shutting down, or restarting EGO faster

To increase cluster performance, you can start, shutdown, or restart your cluster faster by specifying commands to run in parallel. On Linux® , use forked processes to implement parallel execution. On Windows, use threads. This parallel execution allows the system to complete start, shutdown, and restart commands faster.

Before you begin

In a Windows cluster, you must be logged on to the host in the cluster as the local system user and have EGO administrative privileges.

In a Linux cluster:
  • You must log on with root permissions. By default, only root can start, stop, or restart the cluster. Optionally, grant root privileges to egoadmin, the cluster administrator account.
  • You must use rsh to remotely start each host in the cluster. Ensure that rsh is available on each host in the cluster.

In a mixed cluster, you must be logged on to the primary host as root (for Linux primary hosts) or as the cluster administrator with root privileges.

About this task

There is no hard limit to the number of commands to run in parallel; however, on Linux, the maximum number of commands is limited by the operating system user limits, and can cause the forking to fail.

If the value for the -n commands option is greater than one, the command automatically applies the -f option to run the action on hosts without validating the configuration file. Parallel execution also suppresses error messages and only reports failed hosts. For details about a failed host, rerun the start, shutdown, or restart command on the host that has failed.


  • Start EGO on all hosts in the cluster, executing the command in parallel:
    egosh ego start -n commands all
    For example, to start EGO on all hosts using five parallel processes, specify:
    egosh ego start -n 5 all
  • Shut down EGO on all hosts in the cluster, executing the command in parallel:
    egosh ego shutdown -n commands all
    For example, to shut down EGO on all hosts using five parallel processes, specify:
    egosh ego shutdown -n 5 all
  • Restart EGO on all hosts in the cluster, executing the command in parallel:
    egosh ego restart -n commands all
    For example, to restart EGO on all hosts using five parallel processes, specify:
    egosh ego restart -n 5 all