A session is group of tasks that share common characteristics, such as data. This page provides a summary of session properties; these properties are static and dynamic details about your session. View a summary of the session properties by navigating to Sessions tab.
, selecting the application name, and the selecting theProperty | Description |
Session ID | System-assigned session ID. |
Status | Session state: Open, Closed, Suspended, or Aborted. |
Priority | Priority of the session between 1 and 10,000 where 10,000 is the highest priority. |
Task Summary | A color summary of your tasks by state.
Running Tasks | Number of running tasks. |
Pending Tasks | Number of pending tasks. |
Done Tasks | Number of completed tasks. |
Error Tasks | Number of tasks in Error state. |
Canceled Tasks | Number of canceled tasks. |
Yielded Tasks | Number of yielded tasks. |
Resuming Tasks | Number of resuming tasks. |
Tasks Interrupted by Preemption | Number of times that tasks in the session have been interrupted by preemption. |
Interrupted Runtime by Preemption | Total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by preemption. |
Tasks Interrupted by Reclaim | Number of times that tasks in the session have been interrupted by reclaim. |
Interrupted Runtime by Reclaim | Total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by reclaim. |
User | Name of the user account the client application used to connect to the system to create the session. (Applicable to Symphony grid version only.) |
Instances | Number of running service instances for the session. |
Total Tasks | The total number of tasks in an open session. |
Binding Failures | Host and process IDs for service instances that failed to bind to a session (that is, experienced a failure in the SessionEnter method). This applies only to sessions that have common data. |
Common Data Updates | Total number of common data updates received for this session. |
Session Name | The name of your session as specified at the session creation. You can filter or operate on sessions with the name tag. If you do not set a session tag when you create your session, no session tag is applied. |
Session Tag | A string associated with a session at session creation. You can filter or operate on sessions with the same tag. If you do not set a session tag when you create your session, no session tag is applied. |
Created | Date and time when the client application created the session. |
Ended | Date and time the session entered a closed or aborted state. Blank if the session is in the Open or Suspended state. |
Service | Name of the service for this session. All tasks submitted to this session are executed on this service. |
Session Type | The name of this session's session type. When you define a session type in the application profile, you set the behavior and configuration parameters for sessions that are created with this type. |
Consumer | Consumer name as it appears in the consumer ID parameter of the application profile's Consumer section. (Not applicable to IBM® Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition) |
Task Retry Limit | Number of times to retry all tasks in this session if it does not complete successfully. After a task has reached this number of retries and still does not complete successfully, the task is put into the Error state. |
Recoverable | True or false. If true, this session and its workload can be recovered if the session manager is relocated due to failover or abnormal termination. |
Persist Task History | Displays whether none, all, or only error task history is retained. If task history is retained, you have a detailed record of tasks that have completed in the Done, Error, or Canceled state. |
Persist Session History | Displays whether none, all, or only error session history is retained. If session history is retained, you have a detailed record of sessions that have completed in the Closed or Aborted state. |
Persist Incomplete Attempt History | Displays whether none or all incomplete attempt history is retained. If incomplete attempt history is retained, you have a detailed record of incomplete attempts, including the reason and number of incomplete attempts. |
Last Time Task Error | Time when last error task became an error. |
Application | Application name. |
Abort Session if Task Fails | Specifies whether the session fails, if a task fails and retries for any reason. |
Session Retry Limit | The number of times to retry binding service instances to this session, after which the session is aborted. |
Common Data Size | The size of the common data. This data size may differ from the raw common data size depending on which feature set is being used by the application; for example, the data size may be smaller when compared to the raw data size if the application enables the data compression feature. |
Session update failures | Host names and process IDs for the last five service instances that experienced service-side session update failures. |
Updates Sent Over Network | Total size of all common data updates sent over the network for this session. |
Raw Common Data Size | The initial size of the common data when it was passed from the client to IBM Spectrum Symphony. This is the data size before the data is acted upon by any feature set that is being used by the application. |
Data Compression | Enabled or disabled. If enabled, input and output data, common data, and common data updates are compressed for the session, if data size is greater than threshold setting. |
Data Set Dependencies | The data set dependencies. |
Compress Threshold | Specifies the data size (in kilobytes) at which compression is triggered; that is, if data size is greater than threshold setting, the data will be compressed. |
Common Data Compressed | Indicates whether the common data was actually compressed by the system. If compression is enabled, only data larger than the threshold will be compressed. |
Direct Data Transfer | Enabled or disabled. If enabled, application data is transmitted directly between the client and service. |
Preemptive | Indicates whether the session preempts sessions with lesser priority when it has workload to run. |
Client Host Name | The local host name of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the name of the host that connects to the session. |
Client OS User Name | The name of the operating system user running the client. |
Client Symphony Version | The version of IBM Spectrum Symphony library in use by the client at run time (not the version of IBM Spectrum Symphony used to compile the client). |
Client IP Address | The IP address of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the IP address used to connect to the session. |
Service to Slot Ratio | The number of slots required to run a service instance, represented by a service-to-slot ratio. A task from a session cannot run on a resource unless the slot usage requirement is met. |
Resource Group | A list of resource groups from which the session can use resources. Tasks from a session can only run on resources that belong to one of the resource groups listed in the filter. |
Assigned Slots | The number of occupied slots assigned to the session to run the service. Occupied slots that are not assigned to a session (for example, idle pre-started service instances) are referred to as unassigned slots. |
Deserved Slots | The number of slots a consumer is entitled to based on the share ratio of the resource plan. |
Slot Definition Name | The name of the slot definition that the session uses, as defined in the application profile under | . For example, cpu_intensive or memory_intensive.
Slot Definition | The resource metric for the slot definition as defined in the application profile, and the value defined for the slot definition. The metric is from application profile (under | ). The table under this resource plan name shows the metrics. There are four predefined resource metrics supported: maxmem, maxswp, maxtmp, and ncpus. Additionally, you can use a custom defined metric.
Assigned Resources | The occupied multidimensional resources assigned to the session to run the service. Occupied resources that are not assigned to a session (for example, idle pre-started service instances) are referred to as "unassigned resources". |
Deserved Resources | The multidimensional resources a consumer is entitled to based on the share ratio of the resource plan. |
Demanded Resources | The multidimensional resources that the SSM needs to request based on the taskHighWaterMark and current number of unfinished tasks. |
Preemption Rank | Preemption rank is only used with proportional or minimum services scheduling policy. When the system needs to preempt a resource, preemption rank is used to determine the relative importance of different sessions, so the system can preempt a resource from the least important session. |
Preemption Grace | The preemption grace period. |
Resource Preference | The resource preference expression associated with the session. (Not applicable to IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.) |
Default Resource Attribute Value | The default value for any attribute in the resource preference expression, if the attribute has no known value at the time the expression is evaluated by the system. (Not applicable to IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.) |
Minimum Services | The minimum number of services required for each open session. |
Maximum Services | The maximum number of CPU slots require for each open session. |
Abort Session on Disconnect | Specifies whether the session is aborted if the session manager detects that the connection between the client and the session manager is broken. |
Abort Session with Resource Reservation | Specifies whether the session aborts, if a task re-queues for any reason. This value is only applicable if you have enabled the resource reservation feature (that is, specified enableResourceReservation="true" in the Consumer section of the application profile). The resource reservation feature is an extension to the minimum service scheduling policy (set by configuring policy="R_MinimumServices" in the Consumer section of your application profile). |
Discard Task Results on Delivery | Specifies whether the system discards task output for the session when output has been retrieved by the client. |
Parent Task | The parent task ID. |
Root Session | The root session ID. |
Task Received Summary | Number of tasks received by the client, grouped by task state. |
Done Tasks Received | Number of tasks in Done state, received by the client. |
Error Tasks Received | Number of tasks in Error state, received by the client. |
Canceled Tasks Received | Number of tasks in Canceled state, received by the client. |
Task Dispatch Order | The order in which tasks are dispatched. |
Resource Reservation Timeout | Maximum number of seconds that slots can be reserved by a session
before the session times out. After this timeout period, the session aborts. This value is only applicable if you have enabled the resource reservation feature (that is, specified enableResourceReservation="true" in the Consumer section of the application profile). The resource reservation feature is an extension to the minimum service scheduling policy (set by configuring policy="R_MinimumServices" in the Consumer section of your application profile). |