Configuration to save historical data

About this task

Historical data comprises information related to completed tasks and sessions. Typically, historical data is stored in a cluster shared directory so that it is accessible to both IBM® Spectrum Symphony Session Manager (SSM) and Session Director (SD). If this is the case, you can view historical data from the Console or from the command line without any further configuration.

If your cluster does not have a shared directory configured and SD and SSM are running on different hosts, you need to configure your application profile to enable access to the historical data. When you configure a location to store the historical data, you must ensure that it is accessible to both SD and SSM.

Configure the location for historical data files:


  1. Open the application profile in an editor.
  2. In the SOAM>DataHistory element, configure the path attribute. For example:
    <SOAM version="7.3.2">
         <DataHistory fileSwitchSize="100" lastingPeriod="96"

    You can configure an absolute path or a relative path. If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the %EGO_CONFDIR%\..\..\soam\work directory (Windows), or the $EGO_CONFDIR/../../soam/work directory (Linux).