Retrieving MapReduce logs for a shuffle service

You can retrieve the logs for the shuffle service daemon (MRSS) using two navigation paths: Resources > Hosts > List and Icon View, or Reports & Logs > System Logs with the cluster management console.

About this task

The following procedure describes navigation from Reports & Logs > System Logs.


  1. From the cluster management console Dashboard's Common Tasks menu, select MapReduce Workload.

    The console opens in a new window.

  2. On the System Logs page, click the MRSS log (mrss.hostname.log).

    A new window opens.

  3. In the Log retrieval parameters section, select hosts by moving them from Available hosts column to the Retrieve logs from these hosts column.
  4. Click Retrieve Log List.

    A list of log files displays.

  5. Click the log file name.
  6. Save the log file locally and open with any text editor.