MapReduce log levels

MapReduce logs support various levels. You can configure the log levels for the MapReduce service and tasks.

Note: To configure the log level for debugging EGO components (such as the SD and SIM) and SOAM components (such as the PEM and LIM), use the egosh debug and the soamlog commands, respectively.
You can set log levels to any of the following values:
Level Description
DEBUG Logs all debug-level and informational messages.
INFO Logs all informational messages and more serious messages. This is the default log level.
WARN Logs only those messages that are warnings or more serious messages. This is the default level of debug information.
ERROR Logs only those messages that indicate error conditions or more serious messages.
FATAL Logs only those messages in which the system is unusable.
To modify the level of the log printed to the console, change the value of the log4j.rootLogger property in the log configuration file:
Component Log configuration file
MapReduce service $PMR_HOME/conf/
MapReduce task $PMR_HOME/conf/
MapReduce API $PMR_HOME/conf/
MapReduce client $PMR_HOME/conf/
Shuffle daemon $PMR_HOME/conf/