About this task
When you submit a job for a MapReduce application, the MapReduce framework sources the environment configuration from the pmr-env.sh configuration file, located on the host at the $SOAM_HOME/mapreduce/conf/ directory, and submits the job.
- Click .
- Click New.
The Submit Job window displays.
- Specify parameters for the job.
- From the Application
Name dropdown list, select the application for which you
want to submit jobs.
- In the Job Priority text
box, specify the priority for the job (between 1 and 10000) so that
its workload takes priority over other jobs in the same application.
- Upload the application .jar file
that the job must use either from your local host or from the server.
To add the .jar file from your local computer, click Add
Local File, navigate to the file, and click Open.
When you upload a file from disk, the file you specified is copied
to the work directory ($SOAM_HOME/mapreduce/work/)
on the web server.
To add the .jar file from the server, click Add
Server File , navigate to the file, and click OK.
directory that is set as My Samples is the
samples directory located by default under $SOAM_HOME/mapreduce/version/os_type/samples/.
- In the Main Class text box,
enter the class that should be invoked for the job; for example, wordcount.
- In the Main Class Options
text box, enter options that specify additional settings for the job;
for example, HDFS input and output directories.
- (Optional) Add additional
configuration parameters for the job run, click Add.
- Under Job Configuration, click Add.
- In the Name dropdown list, choose a parameter.
- Accept the value for the parameter configured at the application
level or change the value in the Value text box.
- Repeat steps i to iii to add more parameters.
- Click Submit.
Submit Job popup displays,
showing progress of the job.
Attention: Closing the popup
while the job is still running terminates the job. Keep the popup
open till the job is done.