Job properties
Job properties are static and dynamic details about your job. View job properties by locating the job from Options. Mouse over each field to view information on the field.
. Customize your view by clickingProperty | Description |
Job ID | System-assigned job ID |
Status | The state of your job: Running, Suspended, Done, or Aborted.
User | User account that was used to submit the job |
Priority | Priority of the job between 1 and 10,000 where 10,000 is the highest priority. |
Application | Name of the application |
Map Tasks Reduce Tasks |
A color summary of your tasks by state.
Created | Date and time when the client application created the job. |
Job Elapsed Time | Duration that has elapsed since the job was started. For a running job, elapsed time is calculated as current time minus job start time. For a finished job, elapsed time is calculated as job finish time minus job start time. |
Demanded Slots | Number of slots the job requires to run all tasks. |
Deserved Slots | Number of slots a consumer is entitled to based on the share ratio of the resource plan. |
Assigned Slots | Number of occupied slots assigned to the job to run the service. Occupied slots that are not assigned to a job (for example, idle pre-started service instances) are referred to as "unassigned slots". |
Job Name | Name of your job as specified at job creation. You can filter or operate on jobs with the name tag. If you do not set a job tag when you create your job, no job tag is applied. |
Ended | Date and time the job entered a Closed or Aborted state. Blank if the job is in the Open or Suspended state. |
Recoverable | Whether this job and its workload can be recovered if the Application Manager is relocated due to failover or abnormal termination. |
Kill Job If Task Fails | True or False. If true, the job is aborted if any task enters the Error state. |
Job Type | Name of this job’s job type. When you define a job type in the application profile, you set the behavior and configuration parameters for jobs that are created with this type. |
Preemptive | Whether the job preempts jobs with less priority when it has workload to run. |
Job Retry Limit | Number of times to retry binding service instances to this job, after which the job is aborted. |
Job Tag | A string associated with a job at job creation. You can filter or operate on jobs with the same tag. If you do not set a job tag when you create your job, no job tag is applied. |
Preemption Rank | Ranking of the job that is taken into consideration when the system is reclaiming resources. |
Persist Job History | Displays whether none, all, or only error job history is retained. If job history is retained, you have a detailed record of jobs that have completed in the Done or Aborted state. |
Comment | An optional comment field available when you suspend, kill, or resume jobs. |
Minimum Services | Minimum number of slots required for each open job. |
Task Retry Limit | Number of times to retry all tasks in this job if it does not complete successfully. After a task has reached this number of retries and still does not complete successfully, the task is put into the Error state. |
Persist Task History | Displays whether none, all, or only error task history is retained. If task history is retained, you have a detailed record of tasks that have completed in the Done, Error, or Canceled state. |
Number of Running Instances | Number of running service instances for the job. |
Last Task Error | Time when the last task entered the Error state. |
Client Host Name | Local host name of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the name of the host that connects to the job. |
Tasks Interrupted By Preemption | Number of times that tasks in this job have been interrupted by preemption. |
Client IP Address | IP address of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the IP address used to connect to the job. |
Interrupted Runtime by Preemption | Total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by preemption. |
Client OS User Name | Name of the OS user account on the host running the client. |
Tasks Interrupted By Reclaim | Number of times that tasks in this job have been interrupted by reclaim. |
Client Symphony Version | Version of the IBM® Spectrum Symphony library in use by the client at runtime (not the version of IBM Spectrum Symphony used to compile the client). |
Interrupted Runtime By Reclaim | Total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by reclaim. |
Canceled | Number of canceled map tasks and reduce tasks. |
Total | Total number of map tasks and reduce tasks for this job. |
Done | Number of completed map tasks and reduce tasks. |
Running | Number of running map tasks and reduce tasks. |
Number of Active Map Instances | Number of service instances running map tasks. |
Number of Active Reduce Instances | Number of service instances running reduce tasks. |
Common Data Size | The initial size of the common data when it was serialized in the client. |
Raw Common Data Size | The initial size of the raw common data when it was serialized in the client. |
Common Data Compressed | Whether common data was compressed by the system. If compression is enabled, only data beyond the compression threshold is compressed. |
Task Retry Count | Number of times to retry all tasks in this job if it does not complete successfully. After a task has reached this number of retries and still does not complete successfully, the task is put into the Error state. |
Wait Time | Duration of the job that has not yet finished but has no tasks running. |
Map Invoke Timeout | Duration that the system waits for the map task to be invoked, after which time the map operation is canceled. |
Reduce Invoke Timeout | Duration the system waits for the reduce task to be invoked, after which time the reduce operation is canceled. |