Configuring your environment to run IBM Spectrum Symphony workload using Java
Learn how to configure your environment to run IBM® Spectrum Symphony workload using Java™.
- Set your JAVA_HOME and bin:
- Set your JAVA_HOME to point to
the directory in which the JDK is located.
For example, on Windows, if your JDK is installed to c:\java\j2sdk1.4.2, set your JAVA_HOME to this path.
For example, on Linux®, if your JDK is installed to /opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2, set your JAVA_HOME to this path.
- Ensure your Java bin directory is included in your Path environment variable.
- Set your JAVA_HOME to point to
the directory in which the JDK is located.
- Set your ANT_HOME and bin:
If you are planning on using Ant to build the samples, set your ANT_HOME.
- Set your ANT_HOME to point to the directory in which you have installed Ant.
- Ensure your Ant bin directory is included in your Path environment variable.
- Change application profiles in your application to point
to your Java installation:
In cases where you cannot guarantee that the PATH environment variable on a compute host:
- Includes a Java bin directory
- Has the path to the Java bin directory for the Java version you want to use
You can configure your system PATH to point to the correct Java version, or set the path to the correct version of Java in the application profile.
Note: If you set the Java bin path in your application profile, all compute hosts must have Java installed in the same location. If Java is not installed at that location, the system uses the next Java location in the Path, if any.For example, on Windows:- Open the application profile for sample application under IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition: %SOAM_HOME%\version\samples\Java\SampleApp\SampleAppJava.xml
- In the Service, osTypes, osType
section, change the PATH environment variable to point to the correct Java
<Service description="The Sample Service" name="sampleService" packageName="SampleServiceJava"> <osTypes> <osType name="all" startCmd="cmd.exe /c cmd.exe /c ${SOAM_DEPLOY_DIR}/Runcom.platform.symphony.samples.SampleApp.service.MyService.bat" workDir="${SOAM_HOME}/work"> <env name="PATH">c:\Program Files\jdk1.5.0_04_x86\bin</env> </osType> </osTypes> </Service>
- Save the file.
- Register the application:
soamreg SampleAppJava.xml