Installing or upgrading IBM Spectrum Symphony with other IBM Spectrum Computing family products

IBM Spectrum Symphony can be installed or upgraded in an existing cluster wherein other products in the IBM Spectrum Computing family, such as IBM Spectrum Conductor and IBM Spectrum LSF®, are installed. In an environment with multiple products, after you install your first product, you add the other products to your cluster.

Before you begin

Ensure that you use fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for all hosts in your cluster. The names of the hosts must use a valid domain name server (DNS), so that you can resolve the IP address by the domain name and be able to find the domain name by IP address. Use the following commands to confirm host names in your cluster: hostname -f and getent hosts [ip]. The host names that are returned by these commands must match your cluster configuration.

About this task

  • IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2 must always be installed before IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony is added to a multiple product environment.
  • IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.5.1 can be installed in any order. (Note that only version 2.5.1 is supported with IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2, and that IBM Spectrum Conductor is available only on Linux® and Linux on POWER®).
  • For an environment with both IBM Spectrum Symphony and IBM Spectrum Conductor, ensure you perform your rolling upgrade of IBM Spectrum Symphony to version 7.3.2, and IBM Spectrum Conductor to version 2.5.1. Only this product version combination is supported.
The following table describes key installation combinations in a multiple product environment:
Table 1. Multiple product installation order
  First product Second product Third product (Optional)
Scenario 1 IBM Spectrum Symphony IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony IBM Spectrum Conductor
Scenario 2 IBM Spectrum Symphony IBM Spectrum Conductor IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony
Scenario 3 IBM Spectrum Conductor IBM Spectrum Symphony IBM Spectrum LSF Standard Edition for Symphony
Note: If you are performing rolling upgrade, the system saves a snapshot of the current cluster configuration, and you can roll back to this snapshot as required. Any other cluster snapshots previously made will not be saved, as rolling back one level is supported (not rolling back multiple steps). For example, in a multiple product environment, if you upgraded IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.1.2 to 7.2, and then also upgraded IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.1 to 2.2, you can roll back to IBM Spectrum Conductor 2.1. You cannot roll back to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7.1.2.