The Performance tab graphically shows the progress of all map tasks and reduce tasks associated with a job.
Note: If you have not configured a database (commercial or non-production) to support the MapReduce console, the performance charts for MapReduce jobs do not display within the cluster management console.
With the charts, you can view the performance of both active and inactive jobs for specific durations:
- For active jobs (those that still running or have been suspended), the charts show progress of the map and reduce tasks over the past 15 minutes, the past hour, or the past 24 hours.
- For inactive jobs (those that have finished or were aborted), the charts show the lifecycle of the entire job, from when the job started to when it finished or was suspended.
The performance charts always reflect the time stamp on the reporting framework server, rather than that of the IBM® Spectrum Symphony management host.
To view performance by job status, click the status in the legend table at the end of the chart.
This tab does not appear in IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.