Static resources

Static resources are built-in resources that represent host information that does not change over time, such as the maximum memory available to user processes or the number of processors in a machine. Most static resources are determined at startup, or when hardware configuration changes are detected.

Use static resources to select appropriate hosts based on binary architecture, relative CPU speed, and system configuration.

Note that the resources ncpus, maxmem, maxswp, and maxtmp are not static on Linux® hosts that support dynamic hardware reconfiguration.

Harvesting flag (scvgf)
Description: Specifies an external attribute assigned to a host, identifying that it is available for harvesting. Can be turned on or off.
Measures: harvesting flag
Units: string
Determined by: Configuration
Host type (type)
Description: Specifies a combination of operating system and CPU architecture. All computers that run the same operating system on the same computer architecture are of the same type; for example, LINUX86.

You can add custom host types in the HostType section of ego.shared. This alphanumeric value can be up to 29 characters.

Measures: host type
Units: string
Determined by: Configuration
Host model (model)
Description: Specifies the combination of host type and CPU speed (CPU factor) of your machine. All hosts of the same relative type and speed are assigned the same host model; for example, Intel_IA64.

You can add custom host models in the HostModel section of ego.shared. This alphanumeric value can be up to 29 characters.

Measures: host model
Units: string
Determined by: Configuration
Host name (hname)
Description: Specifies the name with which the host identifies itself. You can use a regular expression for the host name.
Measures: host name
Units: string
Determined by: Configuration
CPU factor (cpuf)
Description: Specifies a value representing the speed of the host CPU relative to other hosts in the cluster. For example, if one processor is twice the speed of another, its CPU factor should be twice as large. For multiprocessor hosts, the CPU factor is the speed of a single processor.

CPU factors are detected automatically or defined by the administrator.

Measures: CPU factor
Units: relative
Determined by: Configuration
Number of CPUs (ncpus)
Description: Specifies the number of CPUs defined by the cluster administrator (either globally or per-host) to consider one of the following:
  • processors
  • processors and cores
  • processors, cores, and threads.

By default, the number of CPUs represents the number of cores.

Globally, this definition is controlled by the parameter EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS in ego.conf (shared directory). The default behavior for ncpus is to consider the number of cores (EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS=cores).

Measures: Number of processors
Units: relative
Determined by: LIM
Number of processors (nprocs)
Description: Specifies the number of physical processors (sockets, for example).
Measures: Number of processors
Units: processors
Determined by: LIM
Number of cores (ncores)
Description: Specifies the number of cores (per processor) * the number of processors.
Measures: Number of cores
Units: cores
Determined by: LIM
Number of threads (nthreads)
Description: Specifies the number of threads per CPU core.
Measures: Number of threads
Units: threads
Determined by: LIM
Number of disks (ndisks)
Description: Specifies the number of disks on a machine.
Measures: Number of local disks
Units: disks
Determined by: LIM
Maximum swap space (maxswp)
Description: Specifies the total available swap space of a machine.
Measures: Maximum swap space
Units: In megabytes (MB)
Determined by: LIM
Maximum memory (maxmem)
Description: Specifies the total available memory of a machine.
Measures: Maximum memory
Units: In megabytes (MB)
Determined by: LIM
Maximum temporary space (maxtmp)
Description: Specifies the total temporary space of a machine, which is space in /tmp (Linux) or operating system default temp directory (Windows).
Measures: Maximum temporary space
Units: In megabytes (MB)
Determined by: LIM