Why did service package deployment fail?

Service package deployment can fail for any of the following reasons:
  • The application (consumer) execution user does not have permissions to write to the $EGO_TOP/eservice/rs/deploy/consumer_name (Linux®) or Installation_top\eservice\rs\deploy\consumer_name (Windows) directory on the compute host.
  • There is insufficient hard drive space on compute host, so the system is unable to copy and unpack the service package file.
  • Could not decompress the service package because the tar command could not be found. This is typically a problem on Windows. Most Linux operating systems have tar installed.
  • Could not decompress the service package because unzip, gunzip or tar failed to run.
  • The repository server was down.
  • There was a network error when soamdeploy command was attempting to download the service package from the repository service.
  • The repository server has insufficient caching size. Refer to How does the repository service work? for more information.
  • The deploy utility could not download the deployed package file. The required package may not be uploaded to the repository server or the deploy utility may have timed out.
  • The deploy utility could not find the requested version of the application package on the repository server. Use the soamdeploy add command to update and re-deploy the service package in the repository.