Why did the cluster management console, loader controller, or purger services restart after log on or log off?
For a Windows host with Java™ services running, the services will be restarted if a local user logs on, then logs off
or a remote user logs on with parameter "admin", then logs off. To avoid this issue, you can add the
-Xrs parameter as the startup parameter of the Java service. Ensure that your JVM supports this parameter before applying it.
- To add the -Xrs parameter for the WEBGUI service:
Edit the wsm.conf file in the %EGO_CONFDIR% directory and add the -Xrs parameter at the end of JVM_ARGS.
- To add the -Xrs parameter for the loader controller, purger, and Derby
database services:
Edit the plc.bat, purger.bat, and startNetworkServer.bat files in the Installation_top\perf\EGO_VERSION\etc directory and add the -Xrs parameter after java.exe.
It is safe to use the -Xrs parameter on Oracle JVMs, which are available after the IBM® Spectrum Symphony installation and used by IBM Spectrum Symphony by default. You may encounter crash issues with the -Xrs parameter on IBM JVMs; check http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IZ72639 for details.