User roles

IBM® Spectrum Symphony has four built-in user roles that can be assigned to any user account. Each user role has a predefined level of accessibility and control in the cluster management console.

User roles do not apply to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.

Role Description
Cluster Administrator A super user, able to accomplish all administrative and workload tasks, with access to all areas of the cluster management console and all actions within it.

Entry to the cluster management console is through the dashboard, a heads-up display that gives you a running summary of the health of your cluster.

Cluster Administrator (Read-only) Read-only access to all cluster information, useful for monitoring the cluster. This user role cannot perform any add, delete, or modify actions on the cluster.
Consumer Administrator Access and control only over own branch of the tree. Consumer administrators are assigned at the first-level consumer and they are administrators for all sub-consumers in that branch of the tree.

Within the MapReduce framework, consumer administrators have access to all MapReduce applications that are registered by default to the MapReduceConsumer tree.

Entry to the cluster management console is through the dashboard, a heads-up display that gives you a running summary of the health of your cluster.

Consumer User Access and control over their own workload units only. Within the MapReduce framework, consumer users are assigned to individual consumers by default on the MapReduceConsumer tree.

You can assign one user role to different user accounts for different consumers.

The MapReduce framework in IBM Spectrum Symphony uses the OS user account for a MapReduce application to run all workload for that application while authenticating the user who submitted workload. If the MapReduce framework uses HDFS, this OS user account is the one with permissions to access files and directories in HDFS, linking the execution user OS account to the HDFS file permissions system. Thus, when a MapReduce job is submitted, all service tasks for that job are started with the OS user account for that application and provides access to HDFS files and directories as set for that user account.