hostfactory.xml reference
The HostFactory service profile defines environment variables for host factory that are set during service startup.
The hostfactory.xml configuration file is installed with IBM® Spectrum Symphony at:
- %EGO_CONFDIR%\..\..\eservice\esc\conf\services\ on Windows.
- $EGO_CONFDIR/../../eservice/esc/conf/services/ on Linux®.
Note: If you change the service configuration, restart the HostFactory service to
ensure that your changes take effect.
The HostFactory service defines information to run the service, much like any other EGO service that is managed by the EGO Service Controller (EGOSC). For details on the service definitions, see Service profile reference.
Environment variables
The following environment variables are specific to the host factory framework:
- Directory for the host factory provider and requestor plug-ins.
- Directory for host factory configuration files.
- Directory for host factory work files.
- Directory for host factory logs.