Prerequisites for integrating Excel and IBM Spectrum Symphony

When integrating Excel with IBM® Spectrum Symphony, note the following requirements.

Supported versions of Excel and platforms

Refer to Supported add-on features and integrations for supported system configurations.

Installing Excel

  1. Install Excel on all compute hosts. Refer to Microsoft Excel documentation for more details.
  2. Ensure that all Microsoft Office components are installed on each compute host. Do not use the install on first use option during installation. This option causes Excel to open dialogs that cannot be programmatically removed.
  3. Log on to all compute hosts at least once with the user account under which IBM Spectrum Symphony workload will be executed, to initialize the data associated with this user profile.
  4. Set Excel macro security to Low. This prevents security dialogs from displaying. Within Excel, on the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Macro Security.

Installing IBM Spectrum Symphony

Install IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition on the client host and Symphony on the compute and management hosts. The system environment variable SOAM_HOME should point to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition installation directory.