Redirecting from the IBM Spectrum Symphony client outbound to the multicluster proxy cluster using a proxy server

A proxy server is a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. Configure the IBM® Spectrum Symphony client to send workload outbound to the multicluster proxy cluster using a proxy server.


  1. Create a configuration file, called proxy.conf, with the proxy server (multicluster proxy cluster's) host name and the following port numbers for the multicluster proxy cluster:
    • The listening port for VEMKD, as defined in the EGO_KD_PORT environment variable within the ego.conf file.
    • The session director (SD) ports for SD SDK and SD administration, as defined in the SD_SDK_PORT and SD_ADMIN_PORT environment variables within the sd.xml file.
    • The session manager (SSM) ports for SSM SDK and SSM SIM, as defined in the SSM_SDK_ADDR and SSM_SIM_ADDR environment variable in the sd.xml file.
    For example, with the following configuration in the proxy.conf file, IBM Spectrum Symphony packages are sent to the proxy server (proxyHost) instead of to the IBM Spectrum Symphony host (symHost1):
    proxyHost:7870 symHost1:7870
    proxyHost:7874 symHost1:7874
    proxyHost:7875 symHost1:7875
    proxyHost:31000-32000 symHost1:31000-32000
    proxyHost:32001-33000 symHost1:32001-33000

    Note that the lines prefixed with a # symbol are comments for informational purposes only. If you include comment, add them on a separate line.

  2. Copy your proxy.conf file to the conf directory on the IBM Spectrum Symphony client.
  3. Configure the ego.conf file for the IBM Spectrum Symphony client to include the IBM Spectrum Symphony host (in our example, symHost1) as the value for the EGO_MASTER_LIST environment variable, and its VEMKD port number for the EGO_KD_PORT environment variable. For example:
    #EGO primary candidate host
    #EGO VEMKD daemon port number

What to do next

If IBM Spectrum Symphony cannot find the proxy server information in proxy.conf, it sends network packages to the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster hosts directly. No error is reported.

If you require disabling the proxy server, remove the proxy.conf file from the conf directory on the IBM Spectrum Symphony client.