Starting IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition

Learn how to start IBM® Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.


  1. Start IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition on Windows:

    The Windows global environment is already set to the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition environment.

    On Windows, you have the option to start IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition automatically from the installer.

    If you installed with Windows administrator permissions, IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition always starts automatically when the host is restarted.

    If you installed without Windows administrator permissions, IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition and workload will stop as soon as you log off.

    To start IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition manually, perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click on theIBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition icon in the system tray and start the cluster. The icon turns green after IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition is started.
      You can also start cluster using the Windows command prompt by entering:
      You should see the following message:
      Successfully started Symphony Developer Edition processes on the local host...
      If you do not see this startup message, use the troubleshooting information to resolve the problem.
      Note: If you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition with a local administrator account, you can start or stop IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition processes on the local host. Right-click on the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition icon that looks like a series of monitors in the system tray to display menu. A green color indicates that the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition processes are running locally on the host. A blue color indicates that the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition processes are not started on the host.
    2. To ensure IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition has started, use the soamview app command:
      soamview app

      You should be able to see that the application called symping732 is enabled.

    3. View or control the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition workload by running the following command to get the URL for the cluster management console:
      start_agent -u
      Restriction: Using both the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster management console and the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition cluster management console simultaneously on the same host is not supported. Use one or the other.
  2. StartIBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition on Linux®:

    On Linux, you must start IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition manually after installation and every time the host restarts.

    1. Go to the directory under which you have installed IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition.

      For example, if you installed IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition in /opt/ibm/platformsymphonyde/de732, go to /opt/ibm/platformsymphonyde/de732/.

    2. Set the environment:
      • For IBM Spectrum Symphony workload alone, enter the command specific to your shell:
        • (csh) source conf/cshrc.soam
        • (bash) . conf/profile.soam
      • For IBM Spectrum Symphony and MapReduce workload, enter the command specific to your shell:
        • (csh) source cshrc.platform
        • (bash) . profile.platform
    3. To start IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition, use the soamstartup command.
      For example:
      soamstartup &
      You should see the following message:
      Successfully started Symphony Developer Edition processes on the local host...

      If you do not see this startup message, use the troubleshooting information to resolve the problem.

    4. Check that the IBM Spectrum Symphony processes sd, rs, and start_agent are running:
      ps -ef|grep sd
      ps -ef|grep rs
      ps -ef|grep start_agent

      If you do not see the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition processes, use the troubleshooting information to resolve the problem.

    5. On Linux, navigate to the cluster management console to view or control the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition workload. The location is http://host_name:18080/platform. To get the URL for the WEBGUI service, run:
      start_agent -u
      Restriction: Using both the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster management console and the IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition cluster management console simultaneously on the same host is not supported. Use one or the other.