The SESSION_HISTORY table includes sampled session and summarized task information. The default sampling interval is five minutes.

Column name Data type Null (Y or N) Key (PK or FK) Comment
APP_NAME VARCHAR(256) N PK The name of the application.
CLUSTER_NAME VARCHAR(128) N PK The name of the cluster.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP N Not applicable The time when this session was created, in the local cluster time zone. This is based on the time of SSM host.
SESSION_ID NUMERIC(10) N PK The unique session ID.
TIME_STAMP_GMT NUMERIC(13) N Not applicable The record sample time in the GMT time zone. This is the number of milliseconds from midnight, 1 January, 1970.
TIME_STAMP TIMESTAMP N PK The record sample time in the local cluster time zone. This is based on the time of the host running the data loader.
ABORT_SESSION_IF_TASK_FAIL CHAR(1) Y Not applicable Specifies that this session fails if any task fails. This is from the application profile configuration. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
CLIENT_VERSION VARCHAR(16) Y Not applicable The version of Symphony library in use by the client at run time (not the version of Symphony used to compile the client).
CLIENT_HOST_NAME VARCHAR(128) Y Not applicable The local host name of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the name of the host that connects to the session.
CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR(40) Y Not applicable The IP address of the host running the client. In a multi-homed host, it is the IP address used to connect to the session.
CLIENT_OS_USER_NAME VARCHAR(64) Y Not applicable The name of the OS user running the client.
COMMON_DATA_COMPRESSED CHAR(1) Y Not applicable A flag to indicate whether compression was applied to the common data for this session. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
COMMON_DATA_SIZE NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The size of the common data for this session, in bytes.
COMPRESSION_ENABLED CHAR(1) Y Not applicable A flag to indicate whether compression was enabled for this session. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The compression threshold in bytes. Data that exceeds this threshold is compressed if compression is enabled.
CONSUMER_NAME VARCHAR(4000) Y Not applicable The name of the consumer. This is the fully-qualified consumer name.
DIRECT_DATA_TRANSFER_ENABLED CHAR(1) Y Not applicable A flag to indicate whether direct data transfer is enabled. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
END_TIME TIMESTAMP Y Not applicable The time when this session was closed or aborted, in the local time zone. This is based on the time of SSM host.
LAST_ERROR_TIME TIMESTAMP Y Not applicable The last time that the task ended with an error, in the local cluster time zone. This is based on the time of SSM host.
NUM_COMMON_DATA_UPDATES NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The total number of common data updates received for this session.
NUM_TASK_CANCELED NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of canceled tasks.
NUM_TASK_DONE NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of tasks completed.
NUM_TASK_ERROR NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of tasks ending with an error.
NUM_TASK_PENDING NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of pending tasks in open sessions.
NUM_TASK_RESUMING NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of resuming tasks.
NUM_TASK_RUNNING NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of running tasks.
NUM_TASK_YIELDED NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable Reserved for future use.
PARENT_ID VARCHAR(256) Y Not applicable Reserved for future use.
PERSIST_SESSION_HISTORY VARCHAR(10) Y Not applicable Specifies whether to persist the session history. This is from the application profile configuration. The possible values are "all" or "none".
PERSIST_TASK_HISTORY VARCHAR(10) Y Not applicable Specifies whether to persist all of the task history. This is from the application profile configuration. The possible values are "all", "none", or "error".
POLICY_TAG_PATH VARCHAR(1024) Y Not applicable A specific branch in the tag-based scheduling tree when the R_TagHierarchy policy is used.
PREEMPTION_RANK NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable Preemption rank is only used with proportional or minimum services scheduling policy. When the system needs to preempt a resource, preemption rank is used to determine the relative importance of different sessions, so the system can preempt a resource from the least important session.
PREEMPTIVE CHAR(1) Y Not applicable Flag that indicates whether this session can preempt other over-allocated sessions to balance resources among sessions according to the configured SSM policy. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
PREEMPT_TIME NUMERIC(13) Y Not applicable The total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by preemption.
PRIORITY NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The session priority.
PROTOCOL_VERSION NUMERIC(5) Y Not applicable Admin API version. This indicates that some new added metrics may not available. For example, if this metric is set to 1 (the Symphony 3.1 protocol version), all the metrics described previously are unavailable.
RAW_COMMON_DATA_SIZE NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The initial size of the common data when it was passed from the client to Symphony. The data size may change depending on which feature set is being used by the application. For example, the data size may decrease if the application enables the data compression feature.
REASON VARCHAR(512) Y Not applicable Reason for suspending, resuming, or killing this session.
RECLAIM_TIME NUMERIC(13) Y Not applicable The total runtime of task invocations, in milliseconds, that were interrupted by reclaim.
RECOVERABLE CHAR(1) Y Not applicable Specifies whether this session can be recovered if the session manager is recovered. This is from the application profile configuration. Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).
RESOURCE_GROUP_FILTER VARCHAR(1024) Y Not applicable Tasks from this session can only run on resources that belong to one of the resource groups listed in the filter.
ROOT_SESSION_ID NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable Root session ID.
SERVICE VARCHAR(256) Y Not applicable The name of this service.
SERVICE_INSTANCES NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of service instances assigned to this session.
SERVICE_TO_SLOT_RATIO VARCHAR(16) Y Not applicable The slot usage requirement for the session. Tasks from this session can only run on service instances that occupy the appropriate number of slots.
SESSION_BINDING_FAILURES VARCHAR(2048) Y Not applicable Host names and process IDs for the last five service instances that experienced service-side session binding failures in the SessionEnter method.
SESSION_METADATA VARCHAR(2048) Y Not applicable Client metadata related to sessions including client version of Symphony library, OS user name, client IP address, and client host name.
SESSION_NAME VARCHAR(256) Y Not applicable The name of this session.
SESSION_RETRY_LIMIT NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The maximum number of times to retry a session. This is from the application profile configuration.
SESSION_STATE VARCHAR(128) Y Not applicable The session state.
SESSION_TAG VARCHAR(128) Y Not applicable The tag given to a group of sessions belonging to a particular application.
SESSION_TIMEOUT NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The session timeout time.
SESSION_TYPE VARCHAR(4000) Y Not applicable The session type.
SESSION_UPDATE_FAILURES VARCHAR(2048) Y Not applicable Host names and process IDs for the last five service instances that experienced service-side session update failures.
SSN_ABORT_IFCLIENT_DISCONNECT CHAR(1) Y Not applicable Specifies whether the session is aborted if the session manager detects that the connection between theclient and the session manager is broken.
SSN_DISCARD_RESULT_ONDELIVERY CHAR(1) Y Not applicable Specifies whether the system discards task output for the session when output has been retrieved by the client.
SUBMISSION_USER VARCHAR(128) Y Not applicable The user name of the account client application used to create this session.
SYMPHONY_VERSION VARCHAR(10) Y Not applicable The version of Symphony on which this session is running.
TASK_DISPATCH_ORDER VARCHAR(256) Y Not applicable The dispatch order for a specific task of a session.
TASK_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The task execution timeout time.
TASK_RETRY_LIMIT INTEGER Y Not applicable This limit the number of retry of a task under this session.
TASKS_INTERRUPTED_BY_PREEMPT NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of times that tasks in this session have been interrupted by preemption. (In the Oracle DB, the maximum column length is 30 characters)
TASKS_INTERRUPTED_BY_RECLAIM NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable The number of times that tasks in this session have been interrupted by reclaim.
TOTAL_COMMON_DATA_UPDATE_SIZE NUMERIC(15) Y Not applicable The total size of all common data updates sent over the network for this session, in bytes.
TOTAL_INPUT_SIZE NUMERIC(15) Y Not applicable Total size of input sent through the SSM over the network for this session from all tasks, in bytes. This metric has the same meaning as Task::inputSize.
TOTAL_OUTPUT_SIZE NUMERIC(15) Y Not applicable Total size of output sent through the SSM over the network for this session from all tasks, in bytes. This metric has the same meaning as Task::outputSize. If the task failed, this value includes the error message size.
TOTAL_TASKS_RUNTIME NUMERIC(20,4) Y Not applicable Total run time of all tasks in seconds. This includes all try times and the last run time. This is the wall clock time, not the CPU time. For running tasks, this is the total run time up to the time of this entry.
TOTAL_TASKS_SUBMIT2START_TIME NUMERIC(20,4) Y Not applicable The total time of all tasks during this sample. The time is defined as the time between task submit time and task start time. This only counted for the first try or successful run. If a task has not been started, then its time will not be counted.
TOTAL_UNSUCCESS_TASKRUNS NUMERIC(10) Y Not applicable Total number of times all tasks were tried (not completed).
TOTAL_UNSUCCESS_TASKSRUNTIME NUMERIC(20,4) Y Not applicable Total try time (not completed) of all retried tasks in seconds.
INSERT_SEQ BIGINT Y Not applicable The order of sequence in which this record is inserted into the table. This field is auto-incremented whenever a new record is inserted into the table.