The RESOURCE_METRICS table contains the dynamic resource data as sampled from the host. The resource type is Host and the resource name is the name of the host.

Column name Data type Null (Y or N) Key (PK or FK) Comment
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR(256) N PK The name of the resource attributes. The following metrics are collected:
  • ls: Number of login sessions
  • r15m: 15-minute run queue length
  • r15s: 15-second run queue length
  • r1m: 1-minute run queue length
  • r1m: 1-minute run queue length
  • ut: CPU utilization (%)
  • io: Disk input and output rate (KB per second)
  • mem: Available memory (MB)
  • swp: Available swap space (MB)
  • maxmem: Maximum memory available (MB)
  • maxswp: Maximum swap space available (MB)
  • maxtmp: Maximum space in /tmp (MB)
  • pg: Paging rate (pages per second)
  • Number of free slots
  • Total number of slots
  • Host status (OK, UNAVAILABLE, or CLOSED)
  • Numeric host-based load indices collected by the external ELIM of plug-in data sources
  • nprocs: Number of physical processors. If ncpus is defined as processors, ncpus=nprocs.
  • ncores: Number of cores per processor. If ncpus is defined as cores, ncpus=nprocs*ncores.
  • nthreads: Number of threads per core. If ncpus is defined as threads, ncpus=nprocs*ncores*nthreads.
  • cit: Amount of time that the CPU has been idle (minutes). This is configurable in
  • cit_t: CPU idle time threshold (minutes). This is a configurable external attribute.
  • cu_t: CPU utilization threshold (%). This is a configurable external attribute.
  • uit_t: User idle time threshold (minutes). This is a configurable external attributes.
  • processpri: OS priority of cluster workloads (normal or lowest).
CLUSTER_NAME VARCHAR(128) N PK The name of the cluster.
RESOURCE_NAME VARCHAR(128) N PK The resource name. For resource_type="Host", this is the name of the host.
RESOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR(128) N Not applicable The resource type. This table only logs host-related dynamic resource attributes. Therefore, this field is always "Host".
TIME_STAMP_GMT NUMERIC(13) N Not applicable The record sample time in the GMT time zone. This is the number of milliseconds from midnight, 1 January, 1970.
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE VARCHAR(128) N Not applicable The attribute value data type: "String" or "Numeric".
TIME_STAMP TIMESTAMP N PK The record sample time in the local cluster time zone. This is based on the time of the host running the data loader.
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM NUMERIC(14,4) Y Not applicable The numeric attribute value.
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR VARCHAR(4000) Y Not applicable The attribute value converted into a string. Numeric data types are not converted.
INSERT_SEQ BIGINT N Not applicable The order of sequence in which this record is inserted into the table. This field is auto-incremented whenever a new record is inserted into the table.