Submitting workload from outside a Docker container

You can submit workload to a Docker container from outside the Docker container.

Before you begin

Docker must be installed and running on the IBM® Spectrum Symphony client host.


  1. Log on to the IBM Spectrum Symphony client host and install Weave if it is not already installed:

    weave launch-proxy --rewrite-inspect --without-dns

    weave launch-router weave-primary-host-name

    weave expose

  2. Add the IBM Spectrum Symphony primary host name and IP address to /etc/hosts:

    echo " sym-primary-hwg8y" >> /etc/hosts

  3. Configure the EGO_MASTER_LIST and EGO_KD_PORT parameters in the ego.conf file:
    1. Configure the EGO_MASTER_LIST parameter:


    2. Configure the EGO_KD_PORT parameter:


  4. Submit symping workload to test and verify that IBM Spectrum Symphony components are working and responsive.