(7.3.2 Fix)egolic

The command to process and consolidate core-hour usage data collected from multiple clusters. This command is not intended for single clusters.


egolic merge - f cluster.hostusage_file -c cluster_name [-d work_directory]
egolic report -s start_date [-e end_date] -d work_directory -p perpetual_entitlement
egolic -h


Set the EGO_LICENSE_COREHOURS_CONSOLIDATION=Y configuration in the ego.conf configuration file on all IBM® Spectrum Symphony clusters. An administrator can then regularly (such as monthly) collect the cluster.hostusage file from each cluster, and then place those files into a single working directory. They can then use the egolic command to merge that collected information to generate reports about core-hour usage, and determine license requirements from that data.

Run the egolic merge subcommand first to merge the usage data for the clusters, and then run the egolic report subcommand, to view a report of the consolidated data.

Prints command usage to stdout and exits.

egolic merge -f cluster.hostusage_file -c cluster_name [-d work_directory]

Collects usage data for a specific cluster into a cluster.hostusage.cluster_name file. If the cluster.hostusage.cluster_name already exists, merges the new usage data with existing information. Run this egolic merge subcommand first to merge the usage data for the clusters, and then run the egolic report subcommand, to view a report of the consolidated data.

-f cluster.hostusage_file
Specifies the cluster.hostusage file containing the usage collected information for a cluster.
-c cluster_name
Specifies the name of the cluster for the usage information.
-d work_directory
The egolic merge subcommand merges the usage information into a cluster.hostusage.cluster_name for each cluster. This is the location to store that merged cluster.hostusage.cluster_name file.

egolic report -s start_date [-e end_date] [-d work_directory] -p perpetual_entitlement

Generates a usage report that displays detailed cluster core hour information for all the clusters, between two dates. Run the egolic merge subcommand first to merge the usage data for the clusters, and then run this egolic report subcommand, to view a report of the consolidated data.

The egolic report subcommand generates reports using the configuration values from the $EGO_CONFDIR/egolic.json configuration file. (If the $EGO_CONFDIR location is not defined in the environment, the egolic.json will be in the current working directory.) Here is an example, egolic.json file, showing the format of this file:
    "logLevel": "LOG_INFO",
    "maxLogSizeMB": 100,
    "maxLogRotate":  10,
    "logDir": "${EGO_TOP}/kernel/log",
    "workDir": "${EGO_CONFDIR}/../work/data",
    "perpetualMaxCores": 1
-s start_date
Specifies the start of the report date range in DD/MM/YY format.
-e end_date
Specifies the end of the report date range in DD/MM/YY format.
-d work_directory
Location of where to find the merged files. This is the same -d work_directory location specified for the egolic merge subcommand.
-p perpetual_entitlement
Specifies the number of entitled cores for all clusters.