Installing the multicluster feature on Linux

Install the multicluster feature on your multicluster primary host on Linux®. For a Linux installation, you first define the cluster level properties, then run the installer.

Before you begin

To install the multicluster feature, you must log on to the multicluster primary host as using the installation user operating system account (cluster administrator, root or sudo to root permission).


  1. Log in to the multicluster primary host using the installation user operating system account (cluster administrator, root or sudo to root permission).
  2. Define the cluster properties by setting the following environment variables. If you do not set the optional environment variables, the default values are used.
    To define cluster properties as environment variables, run the following commands corresponding to your shell:
    • sh, ksh, or bash:
      export VARIABLE_NAME=value
    • csh or tcsh:
      setenv VARIABLE_NAME value
    To define cluster properties in a file, create a simple text file /tmp/install.config and enter each variable on a new line, in this format:
    Any variables set in the environment overwrite the same variables set in the configuration file.
    Option Description
    CLUSTERADMIN Mandatory if you are installing as root. Set to any valid operating user account, which then owns all installation files. For example:
    export CLUSTERADMIN=egoadmin
    CLUSTERNAME Optional. Set to the name of the multicluster's primary cluster. The default is cluster1. For example:
    export CLUSTERNAME=cluster123
    Your cluster name is permanent; you cannot change it after installation. Do not use the name of any host or user as the name of your cluster. Consider the following rules when naming your cluster:
    • The cluster name can contain up to 39 alphanumeric characters.
    • The cluster name can contain the underscore character (_), the hyphen character (-), and the period (.). No other special characters are supported.
    • The cluster name cannot contain spaces.
    BASEPORT Optional. Set for the cluster. The default port number is . The cluster uses four consecutive ports from the base port, plus two consecutive ports starting from base port plus twelves ports.
    If you use other ports, before installation, make sure that the four consecutive ports are not in use and set the base port (for example, to set the base port as 14899):
    export BASEPORT=14899
    Note: The same ports must be available on all hosts in the cluster.
    IBM_SPECTRUM_SYMPHONY_LICENSE_ACCEPT Mandatory when you install without user interaction (that is, with the --quiet option), to indicate that you accept the license agreement before installing:
  3. Run the installer package:
    • If you want to install multicluster with the default settings, run the .bin file:
    • If you want to install multicluster with the .rpm file:
      1. Extract the .rpm file to a location of your choice:
        ./symmc-version_architecture.bin --extract extract_dir
      2. Specify custom settings as required:
        ./rpm -ivh symmc-version_architecture.rpm --prefix install_top --dbpath dbpath_dir
        Note: --dbpath and --prefix are both optional parameters. Their parameters must be absolute paths. If you install without the --prefix option, multicluster is installed in its default directory /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/symphony/multicluster.

What to do next

Once you have installed the multicluster feature on your multicluster primary host, your next step is to configure the host.