After you parallel upgrade to the new cluster
After you have upgraded to IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 and set up the new cluster, migrate configuration and
working files from your original cluster to the new cluster.
Configuring cluster ports on the new cluster
IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 installs using default ports. Change these before you start the new cluster.
Migrating the Windows user passwords to the new cluster
After upgrading to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 , migrate the Windows user passwords for your cluster. This involves copying the hidden file called passwd.ego . If you do not the copy the file to your new cluster, you must run egosh ego execpasswd to set a password for all consumer execution users on Windows in the new cluster.
Migrating EGO consumer, user accounts and roles, and resource group definitions to the new cluster
After upgrading to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 , and before making any other configuration changes to your new cluster, use the parallelupgrade tool to migrate the EGO consumers, user accounts, user roles (including cluster administrator, cluster read-only administrator, and consumer user roles), and resource groups that you created in the original cluster to the new cluster. Note that this parallelupgrade tool does not support migrating user roles created before Platform Symphony 7.1.
Migrating any additional configuration changes to the new cluster
After upgrading to IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 , migrate any additional configuration changes you made to the original cluster.
Migrating your application to the new cluster
After migrating your consumer and resource group definitions to the new cluster, you can migrate your application from the previous Platform Symphony cluster to the new cluster. An IBM Spectrum Symphony application administrator typically completes the application migration; however, a cluster administrator also has authority to do so.
Migrating your .NET applications
A .NET application built using Platform Symphony 7.1 or earlier versions will not automatically run in your upgraded IBM Spectrum Symphony environment.
Migrating your .NET Core applications
IBM Spectrum Symphony introduced support for Microsoft .NET Core to run IBM Spectrum Symphony C# applications on Linux x86 hosts. Refer to this topic if you used .NET Core applications with IBM Spectrum Symphony and want to continue to use those applications with your upgraded version of IBM Spectrum Symphony .
Verifying the Java samples for IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition (version 5.1 or 5.2 only)
If you upgraded from a Platform Symphony Developer Edition version 5.1 or 5.2, check that the Runcom.platform.symphony.samples.SampleApp.service.MyService.bat script in the Java samples contains the quotation marks. Without the appropriate quotation marks, the you will not be able to run the Java samples on IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 cluster.
Starting and testing the new cluster
After you have upgraded your original cluster to your IBM Spectrum Symphony 7 .3. 2 cluster, you are ready to start and test it.
Removing the original Platform Symphony cluster
Once the new IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster is working properly, the final step is to move all workload to the new cluster and remove the original cluster. To remove the original cluster, follow the uninstallation documentation for your original version of Platform Symphony .