Verifying the Java samples for IBM Spectrum Symphony Developer Edition (version 5.1 or 5.2 only)

If you upgraded from a Platform Symphony Developer Edition version 5.1 or 5.2, check that the Runcom.platform.symphony.samples.SampleApp.service.MyService.bat script in the Java samples contains the quotation marks. Without the appropriate quotation marks, the you will not be able to run the Java samples on IBM® Spectrum Symphony 7.3.2 cluster.

About this task

Note: This topic is not applicable if you upgraded from Platform Symphony Developer Edition versions after 5.2.


  1. Open the Symphony_DE_TOP\samples\Java\Java_sample_type\Runcom.platform.symphony.samples.SampleApp.service.MyService.bat file.
  2. Locate the following section:
    java %JVM_OPTIONS% 
  3. Ensure that the section contains quotation marks as follows:
    java %JVM_OPTIONS% 
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Repeat all steps for each Runcom.platform.symphony.samples.SampleApp.service.MyService.bat file under each Symphony_DE_TOP\samples\Java\Java_sample_type directory.