Balancing SSM slot allocation

This task configures the SSM policy to dispatch tasks that are balanced between hosts, and is suitable for a single session per application.

Before you begin

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

  • Ensure that the preStartApplication attribute is enabled, and all the resources for this application are pre-started.
  • Ensure that the number of resources is the same as the number of compute hosts.
  • Ensure that the minimum services scheduling policy is used.
  • If you are using a resource group filter, ensure that the name of the resource group in the resourceGroupName attribute is specified in the resourceGroupFilter attribute.

About this task

This task uses the ssmBalanceAllocationBetweenHosts attribute to configure the session manager (SSM) policy to dispatch tasks among hosts in a balanced manner.


In the Consumer section, set the ssmBalanceAllocationBetweenHosts attribute to true, as is shown in the following example.


<Consumer applicationName="symping7.3.2" consumerId="/SymTesting/Symping732" 
numOfSlotsForPreloadedServices="100" policy="R_MinimumServices" 
preStartApplication="true" resourceGroupName="ComputeHosts" 
ssmBalanceAllocationBetweenHosts="true" taskHighWaterMark="1.0" 