Changing web server ports

Follow this task to change the web server port used by the multicluster management console.


  1. Log on to your multicluster primary host as the multicluster administrator operating system account. You can change web server ports as a user if you have the required permissions.
  2. Linux® hosts only: set your environment:
    • For csh or tcsh, use cshrc.platform.
      For example, run:
      source /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/multicluster/cshrc.platform
    • For sh, ksh, or bash, use profile.platform.
      For example, run:
      . /opt/ibm/spectrumcomputing/multicluster/smc/profile.platform
  3. If you are using TLS, change the value of the connector port:
    1. Edit the server_gui.xml file:
      • Windows: %EGO_CONFDIR%\..\..\gui\conf\server_gui.xml
      • Linux: $EGO_CONFDIR/../../gui/conf/server_gui.xml
    2. Change the httpsPort value as desired:
      <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="-1" httpsPort="8443">
             <httpOptions maxKeepAliveRequests="500"  persistTimeout="20s"/>
             <tcpOptions soReuseAddr="true" />
    3. Save your changes.
  4. Restart the web server for changes to take effect:
    egosh service stop WEBGUI
    egosh service start WEBGUI