You can perform a rolling upgrade to the latest version of IBM® Spectrum Symphony on Windows. You can update using an interactive installation, or using a
silent installation. Typically, you install interactively on the primary host using the
interactive method (that is, using a guided wizard or prompts), and then install on
management and compute hosts using either the interactive or silent method
(that is, using only the command line). (If you do want to install on the primary host using the silent method,
contact IBM support
for assistance.)
Before you begin
- Ensure you have read the prerequisites in Before you perform a rolling upgrade.
- You require the 7.3.2 installation
package and the appropriate product edition entitlement file (sym_*_entitlement.dat).
- For silent installations using the .exe or .msi installation packages, your cluster must be an
advanced WEM cluster. To perform a rolling upgrade, you must have installed that version of IBM Spectrum Symphony in advanced WEM mode.
Performing a rolling upgrade from simplified WEM mode is not supported.
Log on to your primary
host using the same installation user operating system account that you used to install your
previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, and copy the entitlement file sym_*_entitlement.dat
to a location that is accessible from the primary host.
Install the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony interactively on your primary host:
From a IBM Spectrum Symphony
command prompt on your upgraded product version, run the IBM Spectrum Symphony installer package for Windows:
Note: If you are
using the evaluation version,
Follow the guided wizard and complete your installation. Ensure that you select
Rolling Upgrade and install to the directory where you have your previous
version of IBM Spectrum Symphony
Note: The cluster uses configuration files under the directory indicated by
%EGO_CONFDIR%\..\... When documentation refers to the EGO_CONFDIR environment
variable, substitute the correct directory.
- Without failover: The cluster uses configuration files under the installation directory:
- With failover: The cluster uses configuration files under a shared directory:
During installation, it is normal for the progress bar to cycle multiple times. Continuous
movement indicates progress. The bar is not intended to indicate remaining time.
Install the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony on each of your primary candidate hosts.
You can install interactively or silently:
Regardless of whether you choose an interactive or silent installation, log on to each of your
hosts using the same installation user operating system account that you used to install your
previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
Repeat step 3
to install the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony on each of your other
management hosts. Log on using the same installation user operating system account that you used to
install your previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
Install the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony on each of your compute
You can install interactively or silently:
Regardless of whether you choose an interactive or silent installation, log on to each of your
hosts using the same installation user operating system account that you used to install your
previous version of IBM Spectrum Symphony.
- Open a command prompt on the upgraded version, and run the
egosh -V command to confirm the upgrade on your hosts. The output should list the
EGO version as 4.0.0.
egosh -V
EGO 4.0.0 build xxxxxx, MMM DD YYYY
binary type: win-x64
- Complete
this step only if you upgraded IBM Spectrum Symphony using the .msi packages on
primary candidates,
management, and compute hosts.
On each primary candidate,
management, and compute host, log on, open a command prompt for the upgraded version of
IBM Spectrum Symphony, and upgrade the host:
egoupgrade host [-f]
Run this command on each local host. For syntax usage and details, see egoupgrade.
- Upgrade
the cluster:
- If you ran the egoconfig mghost command to configure management
hosts to specify a shared directory that the hosts use to access common cluster files, then run this
command again for the upgraded cluster, as follows:
- Log on to the primary host
as the cluster administrator.
- Stop all cluster services managed by EGO:
egosh service stop all
- Stop the cluster:
egosh ego shutdown all
- Run the egoconfig mghost command:
egoconfig mghost \\shared_top .\uesr_account password
Note: Ensure
that you run this command before you upgrade your cluster in subsequent steps. Running the
egoconfig mghost command after you run the egoupgrade cluster
command might severely impact cluster functionality.
- Start the cluster:
egosh ego start all
Backing up your cluster to a shared directory does not include any service packages: In a later step, you will run the egoupgrade
cluster command, which backs up existing configuration files to a backup directory within
your shared location (shared_top) directory. This backup
includes configuration files in the system (such as EGO service XML files, application
profile files, and so on), used for IBM Spectrum Symphony
but this does not include backing up the IBM Spectrum Symphony service package for your
previous version. Do not upgrade the service package during your cluster upgrade and application
upgrade stages. If you upgrade the service package during these stages, and you later require
rolling back IBM Spectrum Symphony, the
service package will not be correctly configured for the your previous version's application profile
and your application will not work. If you do roll back, ensure that you have the previous version's
service package working with the previous version's application profile.
- Open a command prompt for the upgraded version of IBM Spectrum Symphony, and run the cluster
upgrade command:
egoupgrade cluster [-f] [-u user_account] [-x password]
Access the cluster management console:
Start a web browser and clear the browser cache and cookies. Check your browser documentation
for details.
Note: All users who connect to the cluster management console must clear their browser
cache and cookies before you access the console. As a cluster administrator, ensure that you notify
all your users about this requirement.
Log in to the cluster management console.
See Locating the cluster management console.
you personalized preferences for the cluster management console, recreate your preferences.
For example, if you set up table preferences to include custom columns, edit the
Preferences link for those pages to change the default settings.
If your environment includes other products in the IBM Spectrum Computing
family (such as
IBM Spectrum
Conductor), the
post-installation wizard launches. Complete the wizard to set up extra components as required.
Verify that you have installed the applicable packages:
- Access the page within the cluster management console to see the software
components installed on each host. This page indicates the installed software component packages,
and active versions on each host. With an upgrade, you may have more than one version of the same
software component installed, but only the upgraded version should be active.
- Go to the Windows
Control Panel, select Programs and Features, and then
view the list of IBM Spectrum Computing
installation packages.
Your hosts are upgraded to the latest version of IBM Spectrum Symphony. Your previous IBM Spectrum Symphony configurations (including
users, custom user roles, consumers, resource groups, resource plans, or custom reports; and enabled
features) are also migrated to the latest product version.
What to do next
After you upgrade each host and the cluster to the latest version of
IBM Spectrum Symphony: