Enabling protocol metrics

The type of information that is collected for NFS, SMB and Object protocols are configurable. This section describes the location of the configuration data for these protocols.

Configuration information for SMB and NFS in the ZimonSensors.cfg file references the sensor definition files in the /opt/IBM/zimon folder. For example:
  • The CTDBDBStats.cfg file is referred in:
    {       name = "CTDBDBStats"
            period = 1
            type = "Generic"
  • The CTDBStats.cfg file is referred in:
    {       name = "CTDBStats"
            period = 1
            type = "Generic"
  • The NFSIO.cfg file is referred in:
            # NFS Ganesha statistics
            name = "NFSIO"
            period = 1
            type = "Generic"
  • The SMBGlobalStats.cfg file is referred in:
    {       name = "SMBGlobalStats"
            period = 1
            type = "Generic"
  • The SMBStats.cfg file is referred in:
    {       name = "SMBStats"
            period = 1
            type = "Generic"

At the time of installation, the object metrics proxy is configured to start by default on each Object protocol node.

The object metrics proxy server, pmswiftd is controlled by the corresponding service script called pmswiftd, located at /etc/rc.d/init.d/pmswiftd.service. You can start and stop the pmswiftd service script using the systemctl start pmswiftd and systemctl stop pmswiftd commands respectively. You can also view the status of the pmswiftd service script by using the systemctl status pmswiftd command.

In a system restart, the object metrics proxy server restarts automatically. In case of a failover, the server will start automatically. If for some reason this does not occur, the server must be started manually using the systemctl start pmswiftd command.