Strict replication

Use mmchfs -K no command to perform disk action for strict replication.

If data or metadata replication is enabled, and the status of an existing disk changes so that the disk is no longer available for block allocation (if strict replication is enforced), you may receive an errno of ENOSPC when you create or append data to an existing file. A disk becomes unavailable for new block allocation if it is being deleted, replaced, or it has been suspended. If you need to delete, replace, or suspend a disk, and you need to write new data while the disk is offline, you can disable strict replication by issuing the mmchfs -K no command before you perform the disk action. However, data written while replication is disabled will not be replicated properly. Therefore, after you perform the disk action, you must re-enable strict replication by issuing the mmchfs -K command with the original value of the -K option (always or whenpossible) and then run the mmrestripefs -r command. To determine if a disk has strict replication enforced, issue the mmlsfs -K command.
Note: A disk in a down state that has not been explicitly suspended is still available for block allocation, and thus a spontaneous disk failure will not result in application I/O requests failing with ENOSPC. While new blocks will be allocated on such a disk, nothing will actually be written to the disk until its availability changes to up following an mmchdisk start command. Missing replica updates that took place while the disk was down will be performed when mmchdisk start runs.