DEFINE STGRULE (Define a storage rule for tiering)

Use this command to define a storage rule for one or more storage pools. The storage rule schedules tiering between container storage pools. You can define one or more storage rules for a target container storage pool.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DEFine STGRULE rule_name target_stgpool ACTiontype = TIERBYAgeTIERBYStateNOTiering ,SRCPools=source_poolTIERDelay=301TIERDelay=delayMAXPRocess=8MAXPRocess=numberDURation=NOLimitDURation=minutesSTARTTime=current_timeSTARTTime=timeACTIVE=NoACTIVE=NoYesDESCription=description
  • 1 If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE, the default value for the TIERDELAY parameter is 30. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE, the default value for the TIERDELAY parameter is 1. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING, you cannot specify the TIERDELAY parameter.


Specifies the name of the storage rule. The name must be unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
Specifies the name of the target storage pool. If you specify this parameter for cloud storage, you must specify a cloud-container storage pool that uses the Microsoft Azure cloud computing system or the Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol. If you specify this parameter for tape storage, you must specify a storage pool that is defined for a physical or virtual tape library.
Specifies whether the storage rule tiers data and, if so, the method for tiering data. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that data is tiered after an age threshold is met.
Specifies that only inactive data is tiered after an age threshold is met.
Specifies that data is not tiered.
Tip: You can define exceptions to a tiering rule by specifying one or more subrules. By using the DEFINE SUBRULE command, you can tier data from subrule members.
Specifies the name of the source directory-container storage pools. If you specify a pool as the source of a storage rule, you cannot specify the same pool as the source of another storage rule. To specify multiple storage pools, separate the names with commas with no intervening spaces. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE, ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE, or ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING, you must also specify the SRCPOOLS parameter.
Specifies the number of days to wait before the storage rule tiers objects to the next storage pool. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999. The parameter value applies to all files in the storage pool. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYAGE, the default value for the TIERDELAY parameter is 30. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=TIERBYSTATE, the default value for the TIERDELAY parameter is 1. If you specify ACTIONTYPE=NOTIERING, you cannot specify the TIERDELAY parameter.
Specifies the total maximum number of parallel processes for the storage rule and each of its subrules. This parameter is optional. Enter a value in the range 1 - 99. The default value is 8. For example, if the default value of 8 is specified, and the storage rule has four subrules, the storage rule can run eight parallel processes and each of its subrules can run eight parallel processes. The total number of parallel processes is 40.
Tip: To optimize the process of tiering data to tape, ensure that the sum of all MAXPROCESS values for a rule and its subrules is less than or equal to the number of tape drives.
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that the storage rule runs before it is automatically canceled. You can specify a number in the range 60 - 1440. The default value is unlimited. If you do not specify a value, or if you specify a value of NOLimit, the storage rule runs until it is completed. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the storage rule is first processed. The default is the current time. This parameter is optional. The storage rule runs daily within 5 minutes following the specified time.
Specify one of the following values:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time. 23:30:08
NOW The current time. NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus the specified number of hours and minutes. NOW+02:00 or +02:00
NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus the specified number of hours and minutes. NOW-02:00 or -02:00
Specifies whether the storage rule processing occurs. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. The following values are possible:
Specifies that the storage rule is inactive. The storage rule is not processed at the scheduled time.
Specifies that the storage rule is active. The storage rule is processed at the scheduled time.
Specifies a description of the storage rule. This parameter is optional.

Define a storage rule for cloud tiering

Define a storage rule that is named TIERACTION to move data from the source directory-container storage pools DIRPOOL1 and DIRPOOL2 to the target cloud-container storage pool CLOUDPOOL1. Specify a start time of 3 AM and a maximum of 10 processes:
define stgrule tieraction cloudpool1 srcpools=dirpool1,dirpool2 
actiontype=tierbyage maxprocess=10 starttime=03:00:00

Define a storage rule for tape tiering

Define a storage rule that is named TIERTOTAPE. The storage rule will be used to move medical data from two directory-container storage pools, DIRPOOL46 and DIRPOOL47, to a tape storage pool, TAPE1. The data will be tiered by age after it reaches the default threshold of 30 days. Specify a start time of 4 AM and a maximum of four processes:
define stgrule tiertotape tape1 srcpools=dirpool46,dirpool47 
actiontype=tierbyage maxprocess=4 starttime=04:00:00

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DEFINE STGRULE
Command Description
DEFINE SUBRULE (tiering) Defines an exception to a tiering storage rule.
DELETE STGRULE Deletes storage rules.
QUERY STGRULE Displays storage rule information.
UPDATE STGRULE (tiering) Updates a tiering storage rule.