Mixing LTO drives and media in a library

When you mix different generations of LTO drives and media, you must consider the read/write capabilities of each generation. The preferred method is to configure a different device class for each generation of media.

About this task

If you are considering mixing different generations of LTO media and drives, review the following restrictions:
Table 1. Read/write capabilities for different generations of LTO drives
Drives Generation 1 media Generation 2 media Generation 3 media Generation 4 media Generation 5 media Generation 6 media Generation 7 media Generation M8 media Generation 8 media
Generation 1 Read/write access n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Generation 2 Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Generation 3 Read-only access Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Generation 4 n/a Read-only access Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Generation 5 n/a n/a Read-only access Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a n/a n/a
Generation 6 n/a n/a n/a Read-only access Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a n/a
Generation 7 n/a n/a n/a n/a Read access Read/write access Read/write access n/a n/a
Generation 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Read/write access Read/write access Read/write access


If you are mixing different types of drives and media, configure different device classes: one for each type of media. To specify the media type, use the FORMAT parameter in each of the device class definitions. (Do not specify FORMAT=DRIVE.) For example, if you are mixing Ultrium Generation 5 and Ultrium Generation 6 drives, specify FORMAT=ULTRIUM5C (or ULTRIUM5) for the Ultrium Generation 5 device class, and FORMAT=ULTRIUM6C (or ULTRIUM6) for the Ultrium Generation 6 device class.

In this example, both device classes can point to the same library with Ultrium Generation 5 and Ultrium Generation 6 drives. The drives are shared between the two storage pools. One storage pool uses the first device class and Ultrium Generation 5 media exclusively. The other storage pool uses the second device class and Ultrium Generation 6 media exclusively. Because the two storage pools share a single library, Ultrium Generation 5 media can be mounted on Ultrium Generation 6 drives as they become available during mount point processing.

If you mix older read-only media generations with newer read/write media in a single library, you must mark the read-only media as read-only and check out all read-only scratch media. For example, if you are mixing Ultrium Generation 4 with Ultrium Generation 6 drives and media in a single library, you must mark the Generation 4 media as read-only. In addition, you must check out all Generation 4 scratch volumes.