Restore VM
Use the restore vm command to restore a virtual machine (VM) that was previously backed up.
This feature is available only if the client operates as a data mover for IBM Spectrum® Protect for Virtual Environments.
Restore VM for VMware virtual machines
The restore vm command can be used to restore VMware virtual machines or VMware virtual machine templates.
If the backup-archive client is installed on a separate system that is configured as a vStorage backup server, you can restore full virtual machine backups to the ESX or ESXi server that they came from, or to a different server. To restore a full virtual machine backup to a different server, use the HOST parameter. The backup-archive client copies the data from the IBM Spectrum Protect server over either the LAN or SAN. The client then writes the data directly to the ESX server, by using the transport method that is specified in the client options file.
Restoring a full virtual machine backup creates a new virtual machine; the configuration information and content of the new machine is identical to what it was when the backup occurred. All virtual machine disks are restored to the specified point-in-time, as virtual disks in the newly created virtual machine.
When you restore a specific disk, by using the :vmdk= syntax, an existing virtual machine is updated with the specified virtual disk data. Only the specified disks are restored to the existing virtual machine; other disks in the virtual machine are not altered. You must power off the virtual machine to which you are restoring the disk before you start the restore operation.
To create a new virtual machine, specify the vmname parameter and provide a name for the new virtual machine. The vmname parameter creates a new virtual machine with a configuration that is identical to what it was when the backup occurred. If you also specify the :vmdk= syntax, data is restored to any disks that are included in the :vmdk= parameters. Disks that are not included are restored, but only as unformatted disks that do not contain data.
Virtual machines are restored to their original resource pool, cluster, or folder if the containers exist. During a restore operation, if the destination target (a vCenter or ESXi host) does not have the required containers, the VM is restored to the top-level default location on the target ESXi host. If you use the command-line client to restore a virtual machine, and if the virtual machine cannot be restored to its original inventory location, an informational message (ANS2091I) is displayed. If you use the Java™ GUI to restore a virtual machine, and if the virtual machine cannot be restored to its original inventory location, the informational message is not displayed, but the virtual machine is still restored to the top-level default location.
Data protection tags that were backed up with the run backup vm command are restored with the virtual machine. Data protection tags are used to exclude virtual machines from backups and to specify the retention policy of backups.
Full virtual machine backups that were previously created by using VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) can still be restored by using the original VCB restore steps. To restore full virtual machine backups that were created by VCB, see Restoring full VM backups that were created with VMware Consolidated Backup. If you use VCB to restore a virtual machine, use the VMware converter program on the client to move the restored files to a running state on a VMware server. If the backup-archive client is running in a virtual machine, and if you performed a file-level backup of the virtual machine's files with the version 7.1 or earlier client, you can restore the backup versions to the virtual machine by using the command-line interface or the Java GUI.
Supported Clients
This command is valid on supported Linux® clients that are installed on a vStorage backup server for a VMware virtual machine.
This command is valid on supported Windows clients that are installed on a vStorage backup server for a VMware virtual machine.
Any parameter that contains spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks (" ").- vmname
- Specify the name of one or more virtual machines that you want to restore. The name is the virtual machine display name. Separate multiple VM names with
commas (for example,
). If you backed up template VMs, the vmname parameter can specify the name of a template VM to restore.Wildcard characters can be used to select VMs names that match a pattern. An asterisk (*) matches any sequence of characters. A question mark (?) matches any single character. For example:restore vm VM_TEST*
restores all VMs that have names that begin with "VM_TEST".restore vm VM??
restores any VM that has a name that begins with the letters "VM", followed by 2 characters.
Specifying one or more VMs to restore is required.
- vm=vmname
- The vm= keyword specifies that the next set of values is a list of virtual
machine names. The vm= keyword is the default and is not required.
Wildcard characters can be used in VM names. For the specification of the vmname parameter, see vmname .
In the following example, vm= is specified and commas are used to separate two machine names.restore vm vm=my_vm1,my_vm2
- -vm=vmname
- You can exclude a virtual machine from a restore operation by specifying the exclude operator (-) before the vm= keyword.
- vmname:vmdk=all-vmdk
- This option specifies that all virtual disks (*.vmdk files) are included when the virtual machine is restored. This parameter is the default for vmdk specifications.
- vmname:vmdk=cnfg
- This option specifies that the virtual machine configuration information is restored. The configuration information is always restored when a new virtual machine is created. However, by default the configuration is not restored when you update an existing virtual machine with selected virtual disks.
- vmname:vmdk=disk_label
- This option is used to specify the disk label of a virtual disk to include in the restore operation. Specify this option only if you want to restore one or more specific disks, but not all disks. Repeat this option for each disk you want to restore.
- vmname:-vmdk=disk_label
- This option is used to specify the disk label of one or more virtual disks to exclude from the
restore operation. Required: On the restore vm command, the label names of the vmdk files that you want to include (with the vmname:vmdk=disk_label parameter) in a restore VM operation must be specified as the English-language label name. The label name must be as it is displayed in the output of the -preview parameter. Examples of the English vmdk labels are "Hard Disk 1", "Hard Disk 2", and so on.
- vmhost=hostname
- This option restores all virtual machines that are defined to the Virtual Center or to the ESX
server that is specified on the vmchost option. The host name that you specify must
match the fully qualified host name or IP address, as it is specified in the vCenter server
Hosts and Clusters view.
Separate multiple host names with commas (for example,
).This parameter can include multiple ESX servers that are separated by commas.
When you connect directly to an ESXi or ESX host, the vmchost option applies only if the vmhost is the server that you connect to. If it is not, a warning level message is sent to the console and is recorded in the dsmerror.log file; it is also recorded as a server event message.
If you backed up VM templates, they are included in the restore operation.
- VMName=
- Specifies the new name for the virtual machine after it is restored, if you do not want to use
the name specified by the VM= parameter.
- newVMname
- Specify a new VM name to use for the restored VM.The following characters are not supported in names of restored VMs:
A restore command that includes unsupported characters will fail with error message ANS9117E.: ; ' \ / " ? , < > |
VMware does not support VM names of greater than 80 characters in length.
- *
- Use the * (asterisk) symbol as a wildcard to represent the original name of the
VM that is being restored. Placing valid characters before or after the asterisk creates a prefix or
suffix in the name of the restored VM. The following characters are not supported in names of restored VMs:
A restore command that includes unsupported characters will fail with error message ANS9117E.: ; ' \ / " ? , < > |
VMware does not support VM names of greater than 80 characters in length.
You can use the * symbol in the following manner:
- Use the original VM name for the restored VM name by specifying vmname=*.
- Append a suffix to the original VM name for the restored VM. For example, if the original VM
name is VM1, you can append the suffix "_restored" to VM1 by specifying the following
The name of the restored VM isdsmc restore vm VM1 -VMName=*_restored
. - Insert a prefix before the original VM name for the restored VM. For example, if the original VM
name is VM2, you can insert the prefix "new_" to VM2 by specifying the following
The name of the restored VM isdsmc restore vm VM2 -vmname=new_*
- <timestamp>
- Appends a timestamp with the date and time of the restore operation to the name of the restored
VM. The <timestamp> parameter is a keyword, and must include the bracket symbols
("<" and ">"). The format for the timestamp string is determined by the
DATEFORMAT and TIMEFORMAT options in the
dsm.opt file. A dash is used as a delimiter for the timestamp that is returned
by the <timestamp> parameter.For example, to restore two VMs named VM5 and VM6, and append the date and time of restore to the restored VM names, issue the following command:
The names of the restored VMs aredsmc restore vm VM5,VM6 -vmn=*_<timestamp>
. - <date>
- Appends the date of the restore operation to the name of the restored VM. The
<date> parameter is a keyword, and must include the bracket symbols ("<" and
">"). The format of the date string is determined by the DATEFORMAT option in the
dsm.opt file. A dash is used as a delimiter for the date that is returned by
the <date> parameter.For example, to insert the prefix "new_" before the VM named VM3, and append the restore date to the restored VM name, issue the following command:
The name of the restored VM isdsmc restore vm VM3 -vmname=new_*_<date>
. - <time>
- Appends the time of the restore operation to the name of the restored VM. The
<time> parameter is a keyword, and must include the bracket symbols ("<" and
">"). The format of the time string is determined by the TIMEFORMAT option in the
dsm.opt file. A dash is used as a delimiter for the time that is returned by
the <time> parameter.For example, to append the suffix "_today_" after the VM named VM8, and add the restore time to the restored VM name, issue the following command:
The name of the restored VM isdsmc restore vm VM8 -vmn=*_today_<time>
- Specifies the name of the data center to restore the virtual machine to as it is defined in the
vSphere vCenter. If the data center is contained in a folder, you must specify the
-datacenter option when you restore the virtual machine and include the folder
structure of the data center in the data center name. For example, the following syntax is
When you restore a virtual machine by using the GUI, you must restore the virtual machine to a different location. If you restore to the original location, you cannot specify the folder name of the data center. Without a folder name to help locate the original data center, the restore operation fails.
- Specifies the domain name of the ESX host server to restore to as it is defined in the vSphere vCenter.
- Specifies the VMware datastore to restore the virtual machine to. The datastore can be on a SAN, NAS, iSCSI device, or VMware virtual volume (VVOL). You can specify only one datastore when you restore a virtual machine. If you do not specify a datastore parameter, the virtual machine's VMDK file is restored to the datastore it was on when the backup was created.
- -PREView
- Use this parameter to verify the results of a restore operation without restoring any VMs. The
-preview parameter provides a list of VMs that will be restored and information
about the VMs, such as labels of the hard disks in the VM, and the management class for a
When you issue the -preview parameter with the restore vm command, the restore operation does not start. The restore operation starts only if the -preview parameter is removed from the command.
For more information, see Preview virtual machine restore operations.
- destinationfilespec
- This parameter applies only to VMware VCB restore operations. It specifies the location where VCB full virtual machine image files are restored. If this option is not specified, the vmbackdir option is used.
Option | Where to use |
datacenter | Command line or options file. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
datastore | Command line or options file. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
host | Command line or options file. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
inactive | Command line. |
pick | Command line. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
pitdate | Command line. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
pittime | Command line. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
This parameter is only valid when instantaccess is specified as the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
vmbackdir | Command line or client options file. |
vmbackuplocation | Command line. |
vmbackuptype | Command line or client options file. |
vmchost | Command line or client options file |
vmcpw | Command line or client options file |
vmcuser | Command line or client options file |
vmdefaultdvportgroup | Command line or client options file |
vmdefaultdvswitch | Command line or client options file |
vmdefaultnetwork | Command line or client options file |
This parameter is only valid when instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
vmexpireprotect This parameter is only valid when either instantaccess or instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
vmiscsiadapter This parameter is only valid when either instantaccess or instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
This parameter is only valid when either instantaccess or instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
vmmaxrestoresessions | Command line or client options file. |
vmmaxrestoreparalleldisks | Command line or client options file. |
vmmaxrestoreparallelvms | Command line or client options file. |
vmmountage | Command line. |
vmnoprdmdisks | Command line or client options file. |
vmnovrdmdisks | Command line or client options file. |
vmrestoretype | Command line. |
vmstoragetype This parameter is only valid when either instantaccess or instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
This parameter is only valid when instantrestore is specified for the vmrestoretype value. |
Command line or client options file. |
vmvstortransport | Command line or client options file. This parameter is not valid for restoring VMware virtual machines that were backed up using VCB. |
- Task
- To perform an instant restore or instant access operation from the command line, see Scenarios for running instant access and instant restore from the backup-archive client command line.
- Task
- Restore the most recent backup version of
to its original name. Use the VMware management interface to delete the original virtual machine, before you restore it using this syntax.dsmc restore vm myvm
- Task
- Restore the most recent backup version of myvm to a new virtual machine that
is created with the name
Test Machine
, and with the restore target for the data center, ESX host, and datastore all specified on the command.dsmc restore vm myvm -vmname="Test Machine" -datacenter="myDatacenter" -host="myHostName" -datastore="myDatastore"
- Task
- Restore the most recent backup version of myvm with the new name
dsmc restore vm myvm -vmname="*_restored" -datacenter="myDatacenter" -host="myHostName" -datastore="myDatastore"
- Task
- Restore the most recent backup version of myvm with a new name, showing date
and time, similar to
dsmc restore vm myvm -vmname="*_<timestamp>" -datacenter="myDatacenter" -host="myHostName" -datastore="myDatastore"
- Task
- Restore the most recent backup version of myvm. Restore to a data center
named mydatacenter. The data center is within the vCenter; the relative path
within the vCenter is
dsmc restore vm myvm -vmname="Test Machine" -datacenter="dirA/datacenters/myDatacenter" -host="myHostName" -datastore="myDatastore"
- Task
- Restore a virtual machine template back to the same location and
dsmc restore vm vmTemplateName
- Task
- Restore a virtual machine template to a new
dsmc restore vm vmTemplateName -vmname=newName -datastore=newDatastore -host=newHost -datacenter=newDatacenter
- Task
- Restore only Hard Disk 2 and Hard Disk 3 to the existing virtual machine that is named vm1.
dsmc restore vm "vm1:vmdk=Hard Disk 2:vmdk=Hard Disk 3"
- Task
- Restore all disks to the existing virtual machine named vm1, but do not restore the data from
Hard Disk 4.
dsmc restore vm "vm1:-vmdk=Hard Disk 4"
- Task
- Restore only the data from Hard Disk 1 to the existing virtual machine vm1; do not update any
configuration information. Note: When you restore an existing virtual machine, the default behavior is to not update the configuration information.
dsmc restore vm "vm1:vmdk=Hard Disk 1:-vmdk=cnfg"
- Task
- Restore all disks to the existing virtual machine named
dsmc restore vm "vm1:vmdk=all-vmdk"
This command updates all virtual disks on an existing virtual machine, named vm1. Note that this action is different from the action that is performed by
dsmc restore vm vm1
, which creates a new virtual machine named vm1 (vm1 must not exist in order fordsmc restore vm vm1
to succeed). - Task
- Set a maximum of three sessions to be used for restore operations for virtual disks in the VM
dsmc restore vm vm1 -vmmaxrestoresessions=3
- Task
- Restore the VM named Accounts and all VMs that begin with
:dsmc restore vm Accounts,Dept99*
- Task
- Restore all VMs that begin with the word "Payroll" but exclude any VMs that contain the word
"temp" in the name:
dsmc restore vm vm=Payroll*;-vm=*temp*
- Task
- Restore the virtual machines VM1, VM2, and VM3 with new VM names that are based on the original
VM names. Append the suffix "_restored_" and the date and time of the restore operation to the VM
The restored VMs are nameddsmc restore vm vm=VM1,VM2,VM3 -vmname=*_restored_<timestamp>
, andVM2_restored_07-28-2017_13-28-00
. - Task
- Restore all VMs from the host
that were backed up to the IBM Spectrum Protect server, and of all the VMs being restored, restore the VM namedesx03-02
without the VM diskHard Disk 1
:dsmc restore vm;esx03-2:-vmdk=Hard Disk 1
- Task
- Restore all virtual machines on ESXi hosts named
, andkepler
:dsmc restore vm,,
- Task
- Verify that the VM named
is restored correctly without restoring the VM:dsmc restore vm VM=Dept99_VM1 -vmname=*_restored -preview
In general, if application protection was used during a backup, use only application protection restore. When you restore the application, the volume is automatically reverted. However, if you must restore the full VM, you must either revert or delete the shadow copy.
After you restore the entire VM, verify that the restore was successful, and the data is not corrupted. If the data is not corrupted, delete the shadow copy. If the data is corrupted, revert the shadow copy to restore data integrity.
You can determine which shadow copy to delete or revert by looking for the dsmShadowCopyID.txt file in the root directory of each restored volume. This file contains the snapshot IDs of the shadow copies that were created during the snapshot attempts. You can use the diskshadow command delete shadows to delete these IDs, or the revert command to revert the shadow copy. After the delete or revert is completed, you can also delete the dsmShadowCopyID.txt file.
For more information, see INCLUDE.VMSNAPSHOTATTEMPTS.