DEFINE SUBRULE (Define an exception to a replication storage rule)
Use this command to define an exception to a storage rule for replicating data. The exception applies only to the node and filespace pairs that are specified by the subrule.
Privilege class
To issue this command, you must have system privilege.
- parent_rule_name (Required)
- Specifies the name of the parent storage rule.
- subrule_name (Required)
- Specifies the name of the subrule. The name must be unique, and the maximum length is 30 characters.
- node_name or node_group_name
- Specifies the client nodes or client-node groups to which the subrule applies. You can specify a single node name or a comma-delimited list of node names. You can also specify a combination of client node names and client-node group names. To specify multiple client node names or client-node group names, separate the names with commas with no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters with client node names but not with client-node group names.
- ACTiontype (Required)
- Specifies the subrule type. You must specify one of the following values:
- REPLicate
- Specifies that the storage rule replicates data to a target replication server.
- NOREPLicating
- Specifies that the storage rule does not replicate data to a target replication server.
Restriction: You cannot specify the same action type for the subrule as defined for its parent storage rule. For example, if the parent rule action type value is defined as REPLICATE, then you must specify the action type as NOREPLICATING when you define the subrule. - FIlespace
Specifies the name of the file space or the filespace identifier (FSID). A name or FSID is optional. If you do not specify a name or an FSID, all the data in all the file spaces for the specified client nodes is eligible for replication.
- *
- Specifies all file spaces or IDs. This is the default.
- filespace_name
- Specifies the name of the file space that has data to be replicated. Filespace names are
case-sensitive. To determine the correct capitalization for the file space, issue the QUERY
FILESPACE command. Separate multiple names with commas with no intervening spaces. When
you specify a name, you can use wildcard characters. The specified value can have a maximum of 1024
A server that has clients with file spaces that are enabled for Unicode might have to convert the file space name. For example, the server might have to convert a name from the server code page to Unicode. For details, see the NAMETYPE parameter. If you do not specify a filespace name, or if you specify a single wildcard character for the name, you can use the CODETYPE parameter to limit the operation to Unicode file spaces or to non-Unicode file spaces.
- Specifies the identifier for the file space to be replicated. To determine the FSID for a file space, issue the QUERY FILESPACE command. Separate multiple FSIDs with commas with no intervening spaces. If you specify an FSID, the value of the NAMETYPE parameter must be FSID. Do not specify both filespace names and FSIDs on the same command.
- DATAtype
- Specifies the type of data to include in the subrule.
parameter is optional. If you do not specify a data type, all backup, archive, and space-managed
data is replicated. Separate multiple data types with commas with no intervening spaces. You cannot
use wildcard characters. You can specify one or more of the following values:
- ALl
- The subrule includes all backup, archive, and space-managed data in a file space according to the rule that is assigned to the data type.
- The subrule includes active, inactive, and retained backup data in a file space.
- ARCHive
- The subrule includes only archive data in a file space.
- SPACEManaged
- The subrule includes only space-managed data in a file space.
- NAMEType
- Specifies how you want the server to interpret the filespace names that you enter. You can use
this parameter when IBM Spectrum® Protect clients have file
spaces that are in Unicode format, and are on Windows, NetWare, or Macintosh OS X operating systems.This parameter is required only if you specify a partly qualified or fully qualified filespace name. The default value is SERVER.Restriction: When you specify this parameter, the filespace name cannot contain an asterisk.
You can specify one of the following values:
- The server uses the server's code page to interpret the filespace names. This is the default.
- UNIcode
- The server converts the filespace name that is entered from the server code page to the UTF-8
code page. The success of the conversion depends on the characters in the name and the server's code
page. Restriction: Conversion can fail if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.
- The server interprets the filespace names as their FSIDs.
- CODEType
- Specifies the type of file spaces to include in the subrule. The default value is BOTH, which
specifies that file spaces are included regardless of code page type. Use this parameter only when
you enter an asterisk to specify all file spaces. This parameter is optional. You can specify one of
the following values:
- NONUNIcode
- Include file spaces that are not in Unicode format.
- UNIcode
- Include file spaces that are in Unicode format.
- Include file spaces regardless of code page type.
Example 1: Define a subrule to exclude records from replication operations
The storage rule PERFORMANCEREVIEWS is defined with the REPLICATE action type and is used to replicate employee performance reviews from a client node to a server. Define an exception to the storage rule by creating a subrule, RETIREES. The subrule ensures that the records of employees who retired are not replicated to the target replication server. The name of the affected node, where current records are stored, is NODE1:
define subrule performancereviews retirees node1 actiontype=noreplicating
Example 2: Define a subrule to include records in replication operations
The storage rule NEWRECORDS is defined with the NOREPLICATING action type, which prevents new employee records from being replicated. Define an exception to the NEWRECORDS storage rule by creating a subrule, BOSTON. The subrule ensures that records of employees in the Boston office are replicated to the target replication server. The name of the affected node, where Boston records are stored, is NODE3:
define subrule newrecords boston node3 actiontype=replicate
Related commands
Command | Description |
DEFINE STGRULE (replicating) | Defines a storage rule for replicating data. |
DELETE SUBRULE | Deletes subrules. |
QUERY SUBRULE | Displays information about subrules. |
UPDATE STGRULE (copying) | Updates a copy storage rule. |
UPDATE SUBRULE (replicating) | Updates a subrule that is an exception to a replicating storage rule. |