Maximum file size for operations
The maximum file size depends on the type of a file system. The backup-archive client does not check any file size limit during backup, archive, restore, or retrieve operations.
If the file system allows creation of the file, the client backs up or archives the file.
The following table specifies the maximum file sizes for the native file systems on UNIX and Linux® client platforms.
Platform | Max file size (in bytes) |
AIX® 6.1 (JFS2) size limitations | Maximum JFS2 file system size: 32 TB
Maximum JFS2 file size: 16 TB Minimum JFS2 file system size: 16 MB |
All Linux clients | 9 223 372 036 854 775 807 (8 EB-1) |
Mac OS X | HFS - 2 147 485 648 (2GB)
HFS+, HFSX, XSAN, and UFS - 9 223 372 036 854 775 808 (8EB) |
Solaris | 1 099 511 627 775 (1 TB-1) |
Solaris (ZFS) | 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 (16 EB) |