DSMSERV (Start the server)

Use this utility to start the IBM Spectrum® Protect server.

  • Do not enter more than 1022 characters in the DSMSERV console command-line interface. Text that exceeds 1022 characters is truncated.
  • Windows operating systemsThe following parameters are mutually exclusive:
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systems


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram DSMSERV 1-uuser_name1-iinstance_dir-kServer12-kkey_name1-noexpire3NOEXPIRE-ooptions_file1-quietRUNFILEfile_nameMAINTenance4
  • 1 This parameter applies only to AIX® and Linux® servers.
  • 2 This parameter applies only to Windows servers.
  • 3 This parameter applies only to Windows servers.
  • 4 This parameter applies only to AIX, Linux, and Windows servers.
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systems


Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems-u user_name
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies a user name to switch to before you start the server. To start the server from the root user ID, you must specify the -u parameter and follow the instructions in Starting the server from the root user ID.
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems-i instance_dir
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies an instance directory to use. The instance directory becomes the current working directory of the server.
Windows operating systems-k key_name
Windows operating systemsSpecifies the name of the Windows registry key from which to retrieve information about the server. The default is Server1.
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems-noexpire
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies that the server does not remove expired files from the server database. The files are not deleted from server storage when you start the server.
Windows operating systemsNOEXPIRE
Windows operating systemsSpecifies that the server does not remove expired files from the server database. The files are not deleted from server storage when you start the server.
-o options_file
Specifies an options file to use.
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems-quiet
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies that messages to the console are suppressed.
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systemsMAINTenance
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systemsSpecifies that the server is started in maintenance mode, and that administrative command schedules, client schedules, client sessions, storage-space reclamation, inventory expiration, and storage-pool migration are disabled.
Tip: Maintenance mode is the preferred method for running the server during maintenance or reconfiguration tasks. When you run the server in maintenance mode, operations that might disrupt maintenance or reconfiguration tasks are disabled automatically.
RUNFILE file_name
Specifies the name of a text file to be run on the server. The file contains a list of server commands.
Attention: Whenever the RUNFILE parameter is used, the server halts when processing is complete. You must restart the server by using the DSMSERV utility.

Example: Start the server

Start the server for normal operation. Issue the following command on one line:AIX operating systems

AIX operating systemsEnsure that you include a space after SHMPSIZE=64K. By starting the server with this command, you enable 64 KB memory pages for the server. This setting helps you optimize server performance.

Linux operating systems
Windows operating systems
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\bin\dsmserv -k server2
Windows operating systems

Example: Start an additional server

Start an additional server by using the registry key named SERVER2.
dsmserv -k server2
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systems

Example: Load the sample script

Load the sample script file that is provided with the server.
dsmserv runfile scripts.smp
Linux operating systemsWindows operating systemsAIX operating systems

Example: Start the server in maintenance mode

Before you begin maintenance or reconfiguration tasks, start the server in maintenance mode.
dsmserv maintenance