DEFINE SCHEDULE (Define a client schedule)

Use the DEFINE SCHEDULE command to define a client schedule. IBM Spectrum® Protect uses this schedule to automatically perform a variety of client operations for your client workstation at specified intervals or days. After you define a schedule, use the DEFINE ASSOCIATION command to associate the client with the schedule.

You must start the client scheduler on the client workstation for IBM Spectrum Protect to process the schedule.

Not all clients can run all scheduled operations, even though you can define the schedule on the server and associate it with the client. For example, a Macintosh client cannot run a schedule when the action is to restore or retrieve files, or run an executable script. An executable script is also known as a command file, a batch file, or a script on different client operating systems.

IBM Spectrum Protect cannot run multiple schedules concurrently for the same client node.

Privilege class

To define a client schedule, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the schedule belongs.


Classic client schedule

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEFine SCHeduledomain_nameschedule_name Type=ClientDESCription=descriptionACTion=IncrementalACTion=IncrementalSelectiveArchiveSUBACTion=""FASTBackBackupSUBACTion=""FASTBackSYSTEMSTateVAppVMREStoreRETrieveIMAGEBACkupIMAGEREStoreCommandMacroDeployOPTions=option_stringOBJects1=object_stringPRIority=5PRIority=numberSTARTDate=current_dateSTARTDate=dateSTARTTime=current_timeSTARTTime=timeDURation=1DURation=numberDURUnits=HoursDURUnits=MinutesHoursDaysINDefiniteMAXRUNtime=0MAXRUNtime=numberSCHEDStyle=ClassicSCHEDStyle=Classic PERiod=1PERiod=numberPERUnits=DaysPERUnits=HoursDaysWeeksMonthsYearsOnetimeDAYofweek=ANYDAYofweek=ANYWEEKDayWEEKEndSUndayMondayTUesdayWednesdayTHursdayFridaySAturdayEXPiration=NeverEXPiration=Neverdate
  • 1 The OBJECTS parameter is optional when ACTION=INCREMENTAL, but is required for other actions.


Enhanced client schedule

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEFine SCHeduledomain_nameschedule_name Type=ClientDESCription=descriptionACTion=IncrementalACTion=IncrementalSelectiveArchiveSUBACTion=FASTBackBackupSUBACTion=""FASTBackSYSTEMSTateVAppVMREStoreRETrieveIMAGEBACkupIMAGEREStoreCommandMacroOPTions=option_stringOBJects1=object_stringPRIority=5PRIority=numberSTARTDate=current_dateSTARTDate=dateSTARTTime=current_timeSTARTTime=timeDURation=1DURation=numberDURUnits=HoursDURUnits=MinutesHoursDaysMAXRUNtime=0MAXRUNtime=numberSCHEDStyle=Enhanced MONth=ANYMONth=ANYJAnuaryFebruaryMARchAPrilMayJUNeJULyAUgustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDAYOFMonth=ANYDAYOFMonth=ANYDayWEEKofmonth=ANYWEEKofmonth=ANYFIrstSecondThirdFOurthLastDAYofweek=ANYDAYofweek=ANYWEEKDayWEEKEndSUndayMondayTUesdayWednesdayTHursdayFridaySAturdayEXPiration=NeverEXPiration=Neverdate
  • 1 The OBJECTS parameter is optional when ACTION=INCREMENTAL, but is required for other actions.


domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain to which this schedule belongs.
schedule_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the schedule to be defined. You can specify up to 30 characters for the name.
Specifies that a schedule for a client is defined. This parameter is optional.
Specifies a description of the schedule. This parameter is optional. You can specify up to 255 characters for the description. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.
Specifies the action that occurs when this schedule is processed. Possible values are:
Specifies that the schedule backs up all files that are new or that have changed since the last incremental backup. Incremental also backs up any file for which all existing backups might have expired.
Specifies that the schedule backs up only files that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule archives files that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule backs up files that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule restores files that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.

When you specify ACTION=RESTORE for a scheduled operation, and the REPLACE option is set to PROMPT, no prompting occurs. If you set the option to PROMPT, the files are skipped.

If you specify a second file specification, this second file specification acts as the restore destination. If you need to restore multiple groups of files, schedule one for each file specification that you need to restore.

Indicates that the schedule retrieves files that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Remember: A second file that is specified acts as the retrieve destination. If you need to retrieve multiple groups of files, create a separate schedule for each group of files.
Specifies that the schedule backs up logical volumes that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule restores logical volumes that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that the schedule processes a client operating system command or script that is specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
Specifies that a client processes a macro whose file name is specified with the OBJECTS parameter.
You can specify one of the following values:
When a null string (two double quotes) is specified with ACTION=BACKUP the backup is an incremental.
Specifies that a FastBack client operation that is identified by the ACTION parameter is to be scheduled for processing. The ACTION parameter must be either ARCHIVE or BACKUP.
Specifies that a client Systemstate backup is scheduled.
Specifies that a client vApp backup is scheduled. A vApp is a collection of pre-deployed virtual machines.
Specifies that a client VMware backup operation is scheduled.
Specifies whether to update client workstations with deployment packages that are specified with the OBJECTS parameter. The OBJECTS parameter must contain two specifications, the package files to retrieve and the location from which to retrieve them. Ensure that the objects are in the order files location. For example:
define schedule standard deploy_1 action=DEPLOY objects=
Values for the following options are restricted when you specify ACTION=DEPLOY:
Specify PERUNITS=ONETIME. If you specify PERUNITS=PERIOD, the parameter is ignored.
Specify MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS for the DURUNITS parameter. Do not specify INDEFINITE.
Specify the default style, CLASSIC.
The SCHEDULE command fails if the parameters do not conform to the required parameter values, such as the V.R.M.F.
Specifies the client options that you specify to the scheduled command at the time the schedule is processed. This parameter is optional.
Only those options that are valid on the scheduled command can be specified for this parameter. Refer to the appropriate client manual for information about options that are valid from the command line. All options described there as valid only on the initial command line result in an error or are ignored when running the schedule from the server. For example, do not include the following options because they have no effect when the client processes the scheduled command:

Windows operating systemsWhen you define a scheduler service by using the DSMCUTIL command or the backup-archive client GUI wizard, you specify an options file. You cannot override the options in that options file by issuing the scheduled command. You must modify the options in your scheduler service.

If the option string contains multiple options or options with embedded spaces, surround the entire option string with one pair of apostrophes. Enclose individual options that contain spaces in quotation marks. A leading minus sign is required in front of the option. Errors can occur if the option string contains spaces that are not quoted correctly.

The following examples show how to specify some client options:
  • To specify subdir=yes and domain all-local -systemobject, enter:
    • options='-subdir=yes -domain="all-local -c: -systemobject"'
  • To specify domain all-local -c: -d:, enter:
    • options='-domain="all-local -c: -d:"'
Windows operating systemsTip:

For Windows clients running in batch mode, if the use of quotation marks is necessary, use interactive mode or operating system escape characters. For additional information, see the following topics:

Specifies the objects for which the specified action is performed. Use a single space between each object. This parameter is required except when ACTION=INCREMENTAL. If the action is a backup, archive, retrieve, or restore operation, the objects are file spaces, directories, or logical volumes. If the action is to run a command or macro, the object is the name of the command or macro to run.

When you specify ACTION=INCREMENTAL without specifying a value for this parameter, the scheduled command is invoked without specified objects and attempts to process the objects as defined in the client option file. To select all file spaces or directories for an action, explicitly list them in the object string. Entering only an asterisk in the object string causes the backup to occur only for the directory where the scheduler was started.

  • If you specify a second file specification, and it is not a valid destination, you receive this error:
    ANS1082E Invalid destination file specification <filespec> entered.
  • If you specify more than two file specifications, you receive this error:
    ANS1102E Excessive number of command line arguments passed to the 

When you specify ACTION=ARCHIVE, INCREMENTAL, or SELECTIVE for this parameter, you can list a maximum of twenty (20) file specifications.

Enclose the object string in double quotes if it contains blank characters (spaces), and then surround the double quotes with single quotes. If the object string contains multiple file names, enclose each file name with its own pair of double quotes, then surround the entire string with one pair of single quotes. Errors can occur if file names contain a space that is not quoted correctly.

Windows operating systemsIf you are using characters that have a special meaning for Windows users, such as commas, surround the entire argument in two pairs of double quotes, then surround the entire string with single quotes. The following examples show you how to specify some file names:
  • To specify C:\FILE 2, D:\GIF FILES, and E:\MY TEST FILE, enter:
  • To specify D:\TEST FILE, enter:
  • To specify D:TEST,FILE:
    • OBJECTS='""D:\TEST,FILE""'
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsThe following examples show how to specify some file names:
  • To specify /home/file 2, /home/gif files, and /home/my test file, enter:
    • OBJECTS='"/home/file 2" "/home/gif files" "/home/my test file"'
  • To specify /home/test file, enter:
    • OBJECTS='"/home/test file"'
Windows operating systemsTip:

For Windows clients running in batch mode, if the use of double quotes is necessary, use interactive mode or operating system escape characters. For additional information, see the following topics:

Specifies the priority value for a schedule. This parameter is optional. You can specify an integer from 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest priority and 10 being the lowest. The default is 5.

If two or more schedules have the same window start time, the value you specify determines when IBM Spectrum Protect processes the schedule. The schedule with the highest priority starts first. For example, a schedule with PRIORITY=3 starts before a schedule with PRIORITY=5.

Specifies the date for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current date. Use this parameter with the STARTTIME parameter to specify when the initial startup window of the schedule starts.
You can specify the date using one of the values below:
Value Description Example
MM/DD/YYYY A specific date 09/15/1998
TODAY The current date TODAY
TODAY+days or +days The current date plus days specified. The maximum number of days you can specify is 9999. TODAY +3 or +3.
EOLM (End Of Last Month) The last day of the previous month. EOLM
EOLM-days The last day of the previous month minus days specified. EOLM-1

To include files that were active a day before the last day of the previous month.

BOTM (Beginning Of This Month) The first day of the current month. BOTM
BOTM+days The first day of the current month, plus days specified. BOTM+9

To include files that were active on the 10th day of the current month.

Specifies the time for the beginning of the window in which the schedule is first processed. This parameter is optional. The default is the current time. This parameter is used in conjunction with the STARTDATE parameter to specify when the initial startup window begins.
You can specify the time using one of the values below:
Value Description Example
HH:MM:SS A specific time 10:30:08
NOW The current time NOW
NOW+HH:MM or +HH:MM The current time plus hours and minutes specified NOW+02:00 or +02:00.

If you issue this command at 5:00 with STARTTIME=NOW+02:00 or STARTTIME=+02:00, the beginning of the startup window is at 7:00.

NOW-HH:MM or -HH:MM The current time minus hours and minutes specified NOW-02:00 or -02:00.

If you issue this command at 5:00 with STARTTIME=NOW-02:00 or STARTTIME=-02:00, the beginning of the startup window is at 3:00.

Specifies the number of units that define the length of the startup window of the scheduled operation. This parameter is optional. This value must be from 1 to 999. The default is 1.

Use this parameter with the DURUNITS parameter to specify the length of the startup window. For example, if you specify DURATION=20 and DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started within 20 minutes of the start date and start time. The default length of the startup window is 1 hour. The duration of the window must be shorter than the period between windows.

This value is ignored if you specify DURUNITS=INDEFINITE.

Tip: Define schedules with durations longer than 10 minutes. Doing this will give the IBM Spectrum Protect scheduler enough time to process the schedule and prompt the client.
Specifies the time units used to determine the duration of the window in which the schedule can start. This parameter is optional. The default is HOURS.

Use this parameter with the DURATION parameter to specify how long the startup window remains open to process the schedule. For example, if DURATION=20 and DURUNITS=MINUTES, the schedule must be started within 20 minutes of the start date and start time. The schedule may not necessarily complete processing within this window. If the schedule needs to be retried for any reason, the retry attempts must begin before the startup window elapses, or the operation does not restart.

The default value for the length of the startup window is 1 hour. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in minutes.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in hours.
Specifies that the duration of the window is defined in days.
Specifies that the startup window of the scheduled operation has an indefinite duration. The schedule can run any time after the scheduled start time, until the schedule expires. You cannot specify DURUNITS=INDEFINITE, unless you specify PERUNITS=ONETIME. The INDEFINITE value is not allowed with enhanced schedules.
Specifies the maximum run time, which is the number of minutes during which all client sessions that are started by the scheduled operation should be completed. If sessions are still running after the maximum run time, the server issues a warning message, but the sessions continue to run.
Tip: The maximum run time is calculated from the beginning of the startup window and not from the time that sessions start within the startup window.
  • The value of the parameter is not distributed to servers that are managed by an enterprise configuration manager.
  • The value of the parameter is not exported by the EXPORT command.

The parameter is optional. You can specify a number in the range 0-1440. The default value is 0. A value of 0 means that the maximum run time is indefinite, and no warning message is issued. The maximum run time must be greater than the startup window duration, which is defined by the DURATION and DURUNITS parameters.

For example, if the start time of a scheduled operation is 9:00 PM, and the duration of the startup window is 2 hours, the startup window is 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM. If the maximum run time is 240 minutes, that is, 4 hours, all client sessions for this operation should be completed by 1:00 AM. If one or more sessions are still running after 1:00 AM, the server issues a warning message.
Tip: Alternatively, you can specify a Run time alert value of 1:00 AM in the IBM Spectrum Protect Operations Center.
This parameter is optional. SCHEDSTYLE defines either the interval between times when a schedule can run, or the days on which it runs. The default is the classic syntax.
Possible values are:
The parameters for the Classic syntax are: PERIOD, PERUNITS, and DAYOFWEEK. You cannot use these parameters: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH, and WEEKOFMONTH.
The parameters for the Enhanced syntax are: MONTH, DAYOFMONTH, WEEKOFMONTH, and DAYOFWEEK. You cannot use these parameters: PERIOD and PERUNITS.
Specifies the length of time between startup windows for this schedule. This parameter is optional. This parameter is used only with classic schedules. You can specify an integer from 1 to 999. The default is 1.

Use this parameter with the PERUNITS parameter to specify the period between startup windows. For example, if you specify PERIOD=5 and PERUNITS=DAYS (assuming that DAYOFWEEK=ANY), the operation is scheduled every five days after the initial start date and start time. The period between startup windows must exceed the duration of each window. The default is 1 day.

This value is ignored if you specify PERUNITS=ONETIME.

Specifies the time units used to determine the period between startup windows for this schedule. This parameter is optional. This parameter is used only with classic schedules. The default is DAYS.
Use this parameter with the PERIOD parameter to specify the period between startup windows. For example, if you specify PERIOD=5 and PERUNITS=DAYS (assuming that DAYOFWEEK=ANY), the operation is scheduled every 5 days after the initial start date and start time. The default is 1 day. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in hours.
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in days.
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in weeks.
Specifies that the time between startup windows is in months.

When you specify PERUNITS=MONTHS, the scheduled operation will be processed each month on the same date. For example, if the start date for the scheduled operation is 02/04/1998, the schedule will process on the 4th of every month thereafter. However, if the date is not valid for the next month, then the scheduled operation will be processed on the last valid date in the month. Thereafter, subsequent operations are based on this new date. For example, if the start date is 03/31/1998, the next month's operation will be scheduled for 04/30/1998. Thereafter, all subsequent operations will be on the 30th of the month until February. Because February has only 28 days, the operation will be scheduled for 02/28/1999. Subsequent operations will be processed on the 28th of the month.

Specifies that the time between startup windows for the schedule is in years.

When you specify PERUNITS=YEARS, the scheduled operation will be processed on the same month and date of each year. For example, if the start date for the scheduled operation is 02/29/2004, the next year's scheduled operation will be 02/28/2005 because February only has 28 days. Thereafter, subsequent operations will be scheduled for February 28th.

Specifies that the schedule processes once. This value overrides the value you specified for the PERIOD parameter.
Specifies the day of the week on which the startup window for the schedule begins. This parameter is optional. You can specify different options for the DAYofweek parameter, depending on whether the schedule style was defined as Classic or Enhanced:
Classic Schedule
Specifies the day of the week on which the startup window for the schedule begins. This parameter is optional. You can either specify one day of the week, or WEEKDAY, WEEKEND, or ANY. If the start date and start time fall on a day that does not correspond to a day you specify, the start date and start time will be shifted forward in 24-hour increments until the DAYOFWEEK parameter is satisfied.

If you select a value for DAYOFWEEK other than ANY, and depending on the values for PERIOD and PERUNITS, schedules may not be processed when you would expect. The default is ANY.

Enhanced Schedule
Specifies the days of the week on which to run the schedule. You can either specify multiple days separated by commas and no intervening blanks, or WEEKDAY, WEEKEND, or ANY. If you specify multiple days, the schedule will run on each of the specified days. If you specify WEEKDAY or WEEKEND, you must also specify either WEEKOFMONTH=FIRST or WEEKOFMONTH=LAST, and the schedule will run just once per month.

The default value is ANY, meaning the schedule will run every day of the week or on the day or days determined by other enhanced schedule parameters. DAYOFWEEK must have a value of ANY (either by default or specified with the command) when used with the DAYOFMONTH parameter.

Possible values for the DAYofweek parameter are:
Specifies that the startup window can begin on any day of the week.
Specifies that the startup window can begin on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
Specifies that the startup window can begin on Saturday or Sunday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Sunday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Monday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Tuesday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Wednesday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Thursday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Friday.
Specifies that the startup window begins on Saturday.
Specifies the months of the year during which to run the schedule. This parameter is used only with enhanced schedules. Specify multiple values by using commas and no intervening blanks. The default value is ANY, which means that the schedule runs during every month of the year.
Specifies the day of the month to run the schedule. This parameter is used only with enhanced schedules. You can either specify ANY or a number from -31 through 31, excluding zero. Negative values are a day from the end of the month, counting backwards. For example, the last day of the month is -1, the next-to-the-last day of the month is -2, and so on. You can specify multiple values separated by commas and no intervening blanks. If you specify multiple values, the schedule runs on each of the specified days of the month. If multiple values resolve to the same day, the schedule runs only once that day.

The default value is ANY. ANY means that the schedule runs on every day of the month or on the days determined by other enhanced schedule parameters. DAYOFMONTH must have a value of ANY (either by default or specified with the command) when used with the DAYOFWEEK or WEEKOFMONTH parameters.

Specifies the week of the month in which to run the schedule. This parameter is used only with enhanced schedules. A week is considered any seven-day period which does not start on a particular day of the week. You can specify FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, LAST, or ANY. You can specify multiple values separated by commas and no intervening blanks. If you specify multiple values, the schedule runs during each of the specified weeks of the month. If multiple values resolve to the same week, the schedule runs only once during that week.

The default value is ANY. ANY means that the schedule runs during every week of the month or on the day or days determined by other enhanced schedule parameters. WEEKOFMONTH must have a value of ANY (either by default or specified with the command) when used with the DAYOFMONTH parameter.

Specifies the date after which this schedule is no longer used. This parameter is optional. The default is NEVER. You can specify one of the following values:
Specifies that the schedule never expires.
Specifies the date on which this schedule expires, in MM/DD/YYYY format. If you specify an expiration date, the schedule expires at 23:59:59 on the date you specify.

Example: Define a schedule for a monthly incremental backup

Define a schedule named MONTHLY_BACKUP that initiates an incremental backup of all associated nodes. Specify the start date as Tuesday, May 1, 2001. This date does not match the specified day of the week (Sunday), so the initial startup window begins on the first Sunday after May 1, 2001 (05/01/2001). The startup windows for this schedule extend from 01:00 through 03:00. This monthly schedule initiates backup of c: and d: file spaces for all associated nodes.
define schedule standard monthly_backup 
description="Monthly Backup of c: and d: drives" 
objects="c:\* d:\*" 
startdate=05/01/2001 starttime=01:00 
duration=2 durunits=hours period=1 
perunits=months dayofweek=sunday

Example: Define a schedule for a weekly incremental backup

Define a schedule named WEEKLY_BACKUP that initiates an incremental backup of all associated nodes. The initial startup window for this schedule extends from 23:00 on Saturday, June 7, 1997 (06/07/1997), to 03:00 on Sunday, June 8, 1997 (06/08/1997). Subsequent windows begin at 23:00, every Saturday. No messages are returned to the client node when this schedule is run.
define schedule employee_records weekly_backup 
startdate=06/07/1997 starttime=23:00 duration=4 
durunits=hours perunits=weeks 
dayofweek=saturday options=-quiet

Example: Define a schedule that archives a specific directory every quarter

Define a schedule that archives specific files quarterly on the last Friday of the month.
define schedule employee_records quarterly_archive
starttime=20:00 action=archive 
duration=1 durunits=hour schedstyle=enhanced
month=mar,jun,sep,dec weekofmonth=last dayofweek=fri