QUERY STGPOOL (Query storage pools)
Use this command to display information about one or more storage pools. You can also use this command to monitor migration processes for storage pools.
Privilege class
Any administrator can issue this command.
- pool_name
- Specifies the storage pool to query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, all storage pools are displayed.
- Format
- Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default value is
STANDARD. Specify one of the following values:
- Standard
- Specifies that partial information is displayed.
- Detailed
- Specifies that complete information is displayed.
- POoltype
- Specifies the type of storage pool to query. This parameter is optional. The default value is
ANY. Specify one of the following values:
- Query primary storage pools, copy storage pools, and active-data pools.
- PRimary
- Query only primary storage pools.
- COpy
- Query only copy storage pools.
- COPYCONtainer
- Query only container-copy storage pools.
- ACTIVEdata
- Query only active-data storage pools.
- RETention
- Query only retention storage pools.
Example: Display detailed random-access disk storage pool information
query stgpool diskpool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: DISKPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 66 G
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 3.1
Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 32
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 1
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 01/03/2014 13:57:16
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: No
CRC Data: Yes
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted: 2 Time(s)
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Deduplication Savings:
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed sequential-access disk storage pool information
Display details for a storage pool that is named FILEPOOL. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool filepool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: FILEPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: FILEC
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 66 G
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 3.1
Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 32
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 1
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 01/02/2014 13:57:16
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: No
CRC Data: Yes
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: Yes
Processes For Identifying Duplicates: 1
Deduplication Savings: 65,396 K (49.99%)
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved: 65,396 K (49.99%)
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data deduplicated by Client?: Yes
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed sequential storage pool information
Display details for an active-data sequential storage pool that is named FILEPOOL that uses a FILE type device class. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool filepool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: FILEPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Active-data
Device Class Name: FILEC
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 0.0
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 99
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 01/02/2014 11:37:57
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?:
CRC Data: Yes
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: Yes
Processes For Identifying Duplicates: 1
Deduplication Savings: 65,396 K (49.99%)
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved: 65,396 K (49.99%)
Auto-copy Mode:
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display summary information for a specific storage pool
Display information for a storage pool that is named POOL1. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool pool1
Storage Device Estimated Pct Pct High Low Next
Pool Name Class Name Capacity Util Migr Mig Mig Storage
Pct Pct Pool
---------- ---------- --------- ----- ----- ---- ---- --------
POOL1 DISK 58.5 M 0.8 0.7 90 70 POOL2
Example: Display detailed 8 mm tape storage pool information
Display details for the storage pool named 8MMPOOL. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool 8mmpool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: 8MMPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: 8MMTAPE
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr:
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct: 90
Low Mig Pct: 70
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes: 1
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: 5 M
Access: Read/Write
Description: Main storage pool
Overflow Location: Room1234/Bldg31
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: No
Reclamation Threshold: 60
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 5
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 3
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?: No
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 01/08/2014 06:55:45
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s): COPYPOOL1
Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
CRC Data: Yes
Reclamation Type: Threshold
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Deduplication Savings:
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved:
Compressed: No
Deduplication Savings:
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed NAS2CLASS storage pool information
Display details for a storage pool, NAS2LIBPOOL. When you set up this storage pool, you set the data format to NETAPPDUMP. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool nas2libpool format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: NAS2
Storage Pool Name: NAS2LIBPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: NAS2CLASS
Storage Type: DEVCLASS
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
Space Trigger Util:
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr:
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct:
Low Mig Pct:
Migration Delay:
Migration Continue:
Migration Processes:
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold:
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: Group
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 50
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?:
Amount Migrated (MB):
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds):
Reclamation in Progress?:
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 01/02/2014 16:24:43
Storage Pool Data Format: NetApp Dump
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: No
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type:
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Deduplication Savings:
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
emove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed information for a directory-container storage pool that is used for data deduplication
Display details for a directory-container storage pool, DPOOL1. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool dpool1 format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: DPOOL1
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name:
Storage Type: Directory
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 798 G
Space Trigger Util:
Pct Util: 3.4
Pct Migr:
Pct Logical: 100.0
High Mig Pct:
Low Mig Pct:
Migration Delay:
Migration Continue:
Migration Processes:
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
Delay Period for Container Reuse: 1 Day(s)
Migration in Progress?:
Amount Migrated (MB):
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds):
Reclamation in Progress?:
Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE
Last Update Date/Time: 01/02/2014 16:24:43
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?:
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type:
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: Yes
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Compressed: Yes
Space Used for Protected Data: 1,599 M
Total Pending Space: 100 M
Deduplication Savings: 1,331 M (67.56%)
Compression Savings: 194,805 K (29.82%)
Total Space Saved: 1,521 M (77.22%)
Auto-copy Mode:
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?:
Maximum Simultaneous Writers: No Limit
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool: DPOOL2
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Pct Encrypted: 34.56%
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed information for a cloud-container storage pool that is used for data deduplication
Display details for a cloud container storage pool, CPOOL1. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool cpool1 format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: CPOOL1
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name:
Storage Type: CLOUD
Cloud Type: SWIFT
Cloud URL: http://localhost.local
Cloud Identity: Bailey
Cloud Location: ONPREMISE
Estimated Capacity:
Space Trigger Util:
Pct Util:
Pct Migr:
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct:
Low Mig Pct:
Migration Delay:
Migration Continue:
Migration Processes:
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool:
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 1
Migration in Progress?:
Amount Migrated (MB):
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds):
Reclamation in Progress?:
Last Update by (administrator): CODY
Last Update Date/Time: 2015-05-28, 10:47:52
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?:
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type:
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: Yes
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Compressed: Yes
Deduplication Savings: 9,241 K (89.76%)
Compression Savings: 1,033 K (98.81%)
Total Space Saved: 10,274 K (99.79%)
Auto-copy Mode:
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?:
Maximum Simultaneous Writers: No Limit
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Encrypted: Yes
Pct Encrypted: 34.56%
Cloud Space Allocated (MB): 4,231
Cloud Space Utilized (MB): 4,231
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity: 168 G
Local Pct Util: 0.1
Local Pct Logical: 100.0
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life:
Example: Display detailed information for a cold-data-cache storage pool that is used for copying data to tape
Display details for a cold-data-cache storage pool, TAPEOFF. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.query stgpool tapeoff format=detailed
Storage Pool Name: TAPEOFF
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Cloud Type:
Cloud URL:
Cloud Identity:
Cloud Location:
Estimated Capacity: 0.0 M
Space Trigger Util: 0.0
Pct Util: 0.0
Pct Migr: 0.0
Pct Logical: 0.0
High Mig Pct: 0
Low Mig Pct: 0
Migration Delay: 0
Migration Continue: Yes
Migration Processes: 1
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool: TAPE
Reclaim Storage Pool:
Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?:
Collocate?: No
Reclamation Threshold: 0
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 0
Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 0
Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day (s)
Migration in Progress?: No
Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
Reclamation in Progress?:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 2019-04-28, 10:47:52
Storage Pool Data Format: Native
Copy Storage Pool(s):
Active Data Pool(s):
Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
CRC Data: No
Reclamation Type:
Overwrite Data when Deleted:
Deduplicate Data?: No
Processes For Identifying Duplicates:
Space Used for Protected Data:
Total Pending Space:
Deduplication Savings:
Compression Savings:
Total Space Saved:
Auto-copy Mode: Client
Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?: No
Maximum Simultaneous Writers:
Protect Processes:
Protection Storage Pool:
Protect Local Storage Pool(s):
Reclamation Volume Limit:
Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool:
Date of Last Protection to Local Pool:
Deduplicate Requires Backup?:
Encrypted: Yes
Pct Encrypted:
Cloud Space Allocated (MB):
Cloud Space Utilized (MB):
Bucket Name:
Local Estimated Capacity:
Local Pct Util:
Local Pct Logical:
Cloud Storage Class:
Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life: No
Field descriptions
- Storage Pool Name
- The name of the storage pool.
- Storage Pool Type
- The type of storage pool.
- Device Class Name
- The name of the device class that is assigned to the storage pool.
- Storage Type
- The type of storage that is defined for the storage pool. The following storage types can be
- The storage pool specifies a device class, which determines the type of device where data is stored.
- The storage pool creates logical containers for data in file system directories.
- The storage pool creates logical containers for data in a cloud environment.
- Cloud Type
- For cloud storage pools, the type of cloud platform.
- Cloud URL
- For cloud storage pools, the URL for accessing the on-premises private cloud or off-premises public cloud.
- Cloud Identity
- For cloud storage pools, the user ID for accessing the on-premises private cloud or off-premises public cloud.
- Cloud Location
- For cloud storage pools, indicates whether the cloud is an on-premises private cloud or off-premises public cloud.
- Estimated Capacity
- The estimated capacity of the storage pool in megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G).
For DISK devices, estimated capacity is the capacity of all volumes in the storage pool, including any volumes that are varied offline.
For sequential-access storage pools, estimated capacity is the total estimated space of all the sequential-access volumes in the storage pool, regardless of their access mode. At least one volume must be used in a sequential-access storage pool (either a scratch volume or a private volume) to calculate estimated capacity.
For tape and FILE devices, the estimated capacity for the storage pool includes the following factors:- The capacity of all the scratch volumes that the storage pool already acquired or can acquire. The number of scratch volumes is defined by the MAXSCRATCH parameter on the DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE STGPOOL command.
- The total number of available scratch volumes in the tape library.
- Estimated capacity is the smaller number between the MAXSCRATCH value and the total number of available scratch volumes in the tape library.
For Centera, value represents the total capacity of the Centera storage device that is being queried.
- Space Trigger Util
- Utilization of the storage pool, as calculated by the storage pool space trigger, if any, for
this storage pool. You can define space triggers for storage pools that are associated with DISK or
FILE device types only.
For sequential access devices, space trigger utilization is expressed as follows as a percentage of the number of used bytes on each sequential access volume relative to the size of the volume and estimated capacity of all existing volumes in the storage pool. It does not include potential scratch volumes. Unlike the calculation for percent utilization, the calculation for space trigger utilization favors creation of new private file volumes by the space trigger over usage of more scratch volumes.
For disk devices, space trigger utilization is expressed as a percentage of the estimated capacity, including cached data. However, it excludes data that is on any volumes that are varied offline. The value for space trigger utilization can be higher than the value for percent migration if you issue QUERY STGPOOL while a file creation is in progress. The value for space trigger utilization is determined by the amount of space that is allocated while the transaction is in progress. The value for percent migration represents only the space that is occupied by committed files. At the end of the transaction, these values are synchronized.
The value for space trigger utilization includes cached data on disk volumes. Therefore, when cache is enabled and migration occurs, the value remains the same because the migrated data remains on the volume as cached data. The value decreases only when the cached data expires or when the space that cached files occupy must be used for noncached files.
- Pct Util
- An estimate of the utilization of the storage pool, as a percentage.
For sequential access devices, it is a percentage of the number of active bytes on each sequential access volume and the estimated capacity of all volumes in the storage pool. The percentage includes the number of potential scratch volumes that might be allocated.
For disk devices, it is a percentage of the estimated capacity, including cached data and data that is on any volumes that are varied offline. The value for Pct Util can be higher than the value for Pct Migr if you issue this command while a file creation transaction is in progress. The value for Pct Util is determined by the amount of space that is allocated, while the transaction is in progress. The value for Pct Migr represents only the space that is occupied by committed files. At the end of the transaction, these values become synchronized.
The Pct Util value includes cached data on disk volumes. Therefore, when cache is enabled and migration occurs, the Pct Util value remains the same because the migrated data remains on the volume as cached data. The Pct Util value decreases only when the cached data expires or when the space that cached files occupy must be used for noncached files.
For Centera, this represents an estimate of the utilization of the entire Centera storage device, not the storage pool that is being queried.
- Pct Migr (primary storage pools only)
- An estimate of the percentage of data in the storage pool that can be migrated. The server uses
this value and the high and low migration thresholds to determine when to start and stop migration.
For random-access disk devices, this value is specified as a percentage of the value for the estimated capacity, excluding cached data, but including data on any volumes varied offline.
For sequential-access disk devices, this value is specified as a percentage of the value for the estimated capacity. The value includes the capacity of all the scratch volumes that are specified for the pool. For other types of sequential-access devices, this value is the percentage of the total number of volumes in the pool that contain at least one byte of active data. The total number of volumes includes the maximum number of scratch volumes.
The Pct Util value includes cached data on a volume; the Pct Migr value excludes cached data. Therefore, when cache is enabled and migration occurs, the Pct Migr value decreases but the Pct Util value remains the same because the migrated data remains on the volume as cached data. The Pct Util value decreases only when the cached data expires or when the space that cached files occupy must be used for noncached files.
- Pct Logical
- The logical occupancy of the storage pool as a percentage of the total occupancy. Logical occupancy is space that is occupied by client files that might or might not be part of an aggregate. A Pct Logical value less than 100% indicates that there is vacant space within aggregates in the storage pool.
- High Mig Pct (primary storage pools only)
- The high migration threshold, which specifies when the server can begin migration for the storage pool. The server starts migration processes when capacity utilization reaches this threshold.
- Low Mig Pct (primary storage pools only)
- The low migration threshold, which specifies when the server can stop migration for the storage pool. The server stops migration processes when capacity utilization reaches this threshold.
- Migration Delay (primary storage pools only)
- The minimum number of days that a file must remain in a storage pool before the server can migrate the file to the next storage pool. For a disk storage pool, the days are counted from the time that the file was stored in the storage pool or last retrieved by a client. For a sequential access storage pool, the days are counted from the time that the file was stored in the storage pool.
- Migration Continue (primary storage pools only)
- Whether the server continues to migrate files to the next storage pool even if the files have not been in the pool for the number of days that are specified by the migration delay.
- Migration Processes
- The number of parallel processes that are used for migrating files from a random or sequential access primary storage pool.
- Reclamation Processes
- The number of parallel processes that are used for reclaiming the volumes in a sequential access primary or copy storage pool.
- Next Storage Pool (primary storage pools only)
- The storage pool that is the destination for data that is migrated from this storage pool.
- Reclaim Storage Pool (primary, sequential access storage pools only)
- If specified, the storage pool that is the destination for data that is moved from volumes during reclamation processing. If no pool is specified, by default reclamation processing moves data only among volumes within the same storage pool.
- Maximum Size Threshold (primary storage pools only)
- The maximum size of files that might be stored in the storage pool.
- Access
- The access mode for data in the storage pool. The following access modes are possible:
- Read/Write
- The data can be accessed in read-write mode.
- Read only
- The data can be accessed in read-only mode.
- Converting
- The storage pool is being converted to a directory-container storage pool.
- Conversion Stopped
- The process of converting the storage pool to a directory-container storage pool is stopped.
- Conversion Cleanup Needed
- To convert the storage pool successfully, you must clean up the storage pool. Conversion could not complete because of damaged data. Issue the QUERY CLEANUP command to identify damaged files.
- Converted
- The storage pool is converted to a directory-container storage pool.
- Description
- The description of the storage pool.
- Overflow Location (sequential access storage pools only)
- The location where volumes in the storage pool are stored when they are ejected from an automated library with the MOVE MEDIA command.
- Cache Migrated Files? (random access storage pools only)
- Whether caching is enabled for files that are migrated to the next storage pool.
- Collocate? (sequential access storage pools only)
- Whether collocation is disabled or enabled. If collocation is disabled, the value of this field is No. If collocation is enabled, the possible values are Group, Node, and File space.
- Reclamation Threshold (sequential access storage pools only)
- The threshold that determines when volumes in a storage pool are reclaimed. The server compares the percentage of reclaimable space on a volume to this value to determine whether reclamation is necessary.
- Offsite Reclamation Limit
- The number of offsite volumes that have space that is reclaimed during reclamation for this storage pool. This field applies only when POOLTYPE=COPY.
- Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed (sequential access storage pools only)
- The maximum number of scratch volumes that the server can request for the storage pool.
- Number of Scratch Volumes Used (sequential access storage pools only)
- The number of scratch volumes that are used in the storage pool.
- Delay Period for Container Reuse (container storage pools only)
- The number of days that must elapse after all files are deleted from a container before the server reuses the container.
- Migration in Progress? (primary storage pools only)
- Whether at least one migration process is active for the storage pool.
- Amount Migrated (MB) (primary storage pools only)
- The amount of data, in megabytes, that is migrated, if migration is in progress. If migration is not in progress, this value indicates the amount of data that was migrated during the last migration. When multiple, parallel migration processes are used for the storage pool, this value indicates the total amount of data that is migrated by all processes.
- Elapsed Migration Time (seconds) (primary storage pools only)
- The amount of time that elapsed since migration began, if migration is active. If migration is not active, this value indicates the amount of time that is required to complete the last migration. When multiple, parallel migration processes are used for the storage pool, this value indicates the total time from the beginning of the first process until the completion of the last process.
- Reclamation in Progress? (sequential access storage pools only)
- Whether a reclamation process is active for the storage pool.
- Last Update by (administrator)
- The name of the administrator that is defined or most recently updated the storage pool.
- Last Update Date/Time
- The date and time that an administrator defined or most recently updated the storage pool.
- Storage Pool Data Format
- The type of data format that is used to write data to this storage pool (for example NATIVE, NETAPPDUMP, CELERRADUMP, or NDMPDUMP).
- Copy Storage Pool(s)
- The copy storage pools that are listed have data that is simultaneously written to them when data is backed up or archived to the primary storage pool queried by this command.
- Active Data Pool(s)
- The active-data pools that are listed here have data that is simultaneously written to them when data is backed up to the primary storage pool queried by this command.
- Continue Copy on Error?
- Whether a server continues to write data to other copy storage pools in the list or ends the entire transaction when a write failure occurs to one of the copy pools in the list. This field applies only to primary random-access and primary sequential-access storage pools.
- CRC Data
- Whether data is validated by a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) when data is transferred during data storage and retrieval on a device.
- Reclamation Type
- Whether volumes in this storage pool are reclaimed by threshold or by SnapLock retention date.
- Overwrite Data when Deleted
- The number of times data will be physically overwritten after it is deleted from the database.
- Deduplicate Data?
- Whether data in the storage pool is deduplicated.
- Processes for Identifying Duplicates
- The number of duplicate-identification processes that are specified as the default for the storage pool. The number of duplicate-identification processes that are specified in this field might not equal the number of duplicate-identification processes that are running.
- Compressed
- Whether the storage pool is compressed.
- Additional space for protected data
The amount of space, in MB, that is used to protect data from remote servers. This is the total amount of space used for data received from other servers as a result of running the PROTECT STGPOOL command.
After the PROTECT STGPOOL command is run, the data is not assigned to a node. However, if you run node replication on some or all nodes, then the data is assigned to the nodes and is no longer assigned to the additional space for protected data.
If you do not run node replication, then the data received (after the PROTECT STGPOOL command is run) remains assigned to the additional space for protected data.
- Total Unused Pending Space
- The amount of space that is scheduled to become available in a directory-container storage pool. The space is occupied by deduplicated data extents that will be removed from the storage pool when the time period specified by the REUSEDELAY parameter on the DEFINE STGPOOL command expires.
- Deduplication Savings
- The amount and percentage of data that is saved in the storage pool by using data deduplication.
- Compression Savings
- The amount of data that is saved in the storage pool by compression.
- Total Space Saved
- The total amount of data that was saved in the storage pool.
- Auto-copy Mode
- Indicates whether data is written simultaneously to copy
storage pools or active-data pools during client store sessions, server import processes, server
data migration processes, or all three operations. The value CLIENT indicates either client store or
server import operations. The value ALL indicates that simultaneous-write operations occur whenever
this pool is a target for any of the eligible operations.
If the storage pool is a copy storage pool or an active-data pool or if the simultaneous-write function is disabled, this field is blank.
- Contains Data Deduplicated by Client?
- Indicates whether the storage pool contains data that was deduplicated by clients. Storage pools
that contain data that is deduplicated by clients are not accessible for LAN-free data movement by
storage agents V6.1 or earlier.Tip: This field is blank for container storage pools. You cannot use container storage pools for LAN-free data movement.
- Maximum Simultaneous Writers
- The maximum number of I/O that can run concurrently on the storage pool.
- Protect Processes
- The set of protect processes.
- Protection Storage Pool
- The name of the container storage pool where the data is protected to on the target replication server.
- Protect Local Storage Pool(s)
- Indicates whether local storage pools are protected.
- Reclamation Volume Limit
- For container-copy storage pools, indicates the maximum number of volumes that the server reclaims during storage pool protection.
- Date of Last Protection to Remote Pool
- The date that the storage pool was last protected to a storage pool on a remote server.
- Date of Last Protection to Local Pool
- The date that the storage pool was last protected to a storage pool on the local server.
- Deduplicate Requires Backup?
- Indicates whether the sequential storage pool must be backed up if the storage pool contains deduplicated data.
- Encrypted
- For directory-container or cloud-container storage pools, indicates whether client data is encrypted before it is written to the storage pool. When encryption is enabled on the storage pool, the data is encrypted by using 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
- Pct Encrypted
- The percentage of deduplicated client data that is encrypted in the directory-container or cloud-container storage pool.
- Cloud Space Allocated (MB)
- For cloud storage pools, the amount of space that is allocated to cloud storage, in megabytes.
- Cloud Space Utilized (MB)
- For cloud storage pools, the space that is used by the cloud storage, in megabytes.
- Bucket Name
- For cloud storage pools that use Simple Storage Service (S3), the name IBM Spectrum® Protect assigns to the S3 bucket or IBM® Cloud Object Storage vault. This value can also be the name that you assigned to the bucket by using the BUCKETNAME parameter in the DEFINE STGPOOL command or the UPDATE STGPOOL command.
- Local Estimated Capacity
- For cloud storage pools that use local storage, the estimated capacity of the local storage in megabytes (M) or gigabytes (G).
- Local Pct Util
- For cloud storage pools that use local storage, an estimate of the utilization of the local storage component of the cloud storage pool, as a percentage.
- Local Pct Logical
- For cloud storage pools that use local storage, the logical occupancy of the cloud storage pool as a percentage of the total occupancy. Logical occupancy is space that is occupied by client files that might or might not be part of an aggregate. A Local Pct Logical value less than 100% indicates that there is vacant space within aggregates in the cloud storage pool.
- Cloud Storage Class
- For cloud-container storage pools that use the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol, the
type of S3 storage class that is configured for the storage pool. The following values are possible:
- Default
- Indicates that data that is uploaded to Amazon S3 storage is sent to the S3 Standard storage class.
- Automatic Vendor Tiering
- Indicates that data that is uploaded to Amazon S3 storage is sent to the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class.
- Remove Restored Cpy Before End of Life
- For cold-data-cache storage pools, indicates whether data that is restored to the storage pool
is eligible for deletion before its expiration date. The value applies only to data that is restored
to the storage pool as the result of a POST request from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. The following values are possible:
- No
- Indicates that the restored data is not eligible for early deletion when the storage pool occupancy nears capacity.
- Yes
- Indicates that the restored data is eligible for early deletion when the storage pool occupancy nears capacity.
Related commands
Command | Description |
CONVERT STGPOOL | Convert a storage pool to a directory-container storage pool. |
COPY ACTIVEDATA | Copies active backup data. |
DEFINE STGPOOL | Defines a storage pool as a named collection of server storage media. |
DELETE STGPOOL | Deletes a storage pool from server storage. |
QUERY STGPOOLDIRECTORY | Displays information about storage pool directories. |
UPDATE STGPOOL | Changes the attributes of a storage pool. |