Committed run time weighting factor

The committed run time is the run time requested at job submission with the -W option for the bsub command, or in the queue configuration with the RUNLIMIT parameter. By default, committed run time does not affect the dynamic priority.

While the job is running, the actual run time is subtracted from the committed run time. The user’s dynamic priority decreases immediately to its lowest expected value, and is maintained at that value until the job finishes. Job run time is accumulated as usual, and historical run time, if any, is decayed.

When the job finishes, the committed run time is set to zero and the actual run time is added to the historical run time for future use. The dynamic priority increases gradually until it reaches its maximum value.

Providing a weighting factor in the run time portion of the dynamic priority calculation prevents a job dispatching burst, where one user monopolizes job slots because of the latency in computing run time.


If you use queue-level fair share, and a running job has a committed run time, you should not switch that job to or from a fair share queue (using bswitch). The fair share calculations will not be correct.

Run time displayed by bqueues and bhpart

The run time displayed by bqueues and bhpart is the sum of the actual, accumulated run time and the historical run time, but does not include the committed run time.